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Winners and High Scores

Ack! Why is there molting lava here? Don has to fix the air conditioning. Wow, there aren't too many winners. I'm not a winner, but I achieved a high score 9/10 as of May 27th
Why is it that Locke's smarter than me, I achieved a high score too but I got 8/10 as of May 27th. Stupid 1st question!
Ha! I bet you whipper snappers wished that you were as wise as me. I'm a WINNER! I got 10/10 as of May 27th!

Actual Winners:
Cecil - Score: 17/18 as of August 23rd

Actual High Scorers:
Jacob Bryne - Score: 12/20 as of July 21st
Ryan McCoy - Score: 13/18 as of August 21st

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