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Welcome to Our Enchanted Land!

Please come and meet all our wonderful friends
who live here with us*smile*



Prince Billy rules
his kingdom
with kindness



Princess Emily
Loves her
little ponies

Kira is so
full of fun
She loves to
sneak drinks from
the fountain

is gentle
and sweet
like a
mother to
them all

Winddancer is sweet
and shy, and loves
to dance in the
Heath watches over
the ponies
and leads them
home at night.
Rachel feeds
and cares
for the ponies.
Talia watches over Wills, as he stays close to his momma. While Noah & Joey & Sophie, loves to play with Reala.
Reala is the strong one. Talia is meek, and all the baby ponies are playful and fun.
Prince Billy & Princess Emily loves raising their ponies in their quiet little kingdom.

Packer likes to play with Arica

Buttons just can't seem to stay out of trouble, so Chili keeps a close eye on her

Neon & Panthea, like to rest after a long day of play. And little Zeke like showing his momma Millie the flowers

Trixie & Dreamer love watching the birds play in the water

Firestorm likes to show Honey how fast he can run
Prince Billy and Princess Emily raise there ponies and love to watch them play. Sometimes they can get into trouble and make messes. But they are the delight of the kingdom. They are all special in there owe way. Just as you and I are*smile* They feel the kingdom with fun and laughter. With the ponies there is never a boring day:)

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