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My Friends

These are the people in which I consider are my friends.

Eyeline Left


Ichibanqt an Miss Chipp: You guys are thee greatest! I want to thank the 2 of you for giving me the strength an encouragement I needed. Don't forget now I am always going to be there for the both of you!

PLAYER ~ The first person I meet on HCU. Hey there haven't seening much of you lately. I hope all is "DANDY" on your end.

CoCoNuT gIrL ~ Hey sis thanks for being there for me helping me over come my personal challenges. Remember that I will always be there for you and I am jus' a phone ring away.

Laie Boy ~Hey there big brother thanks for always being there for me especially, when I have my blues you jus' know how to make me smile an laugh. Don't be a stranger now! I am always there for you as well.

Eyeline Right


BabyBoy, babytaz, ~BILLYZ~, (...ooh, oh) Diamondgirl, hawaiian BiLlAbOnG, hula girl, Kaleonahe(F) aka UTAH~G, Kanaz, *~LOCAL GIRL II~*, localboy, manoa boy, m@c@d@mi@, Melia, PuErTo RiCaN pRiNcE, puna boy, ~*~SASSY GIRL~*~, Tender Kisses, Wala Girl.

Please forgive me if I have missed any-one. Jus' inform me so an I'll be sure an add you on!

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This page last updated August 03,1999 12:15 pm Hawaiian Standard Time