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Information About The Clan-of-FrEaKs

Here's some basic information about the Marilyn Manson Clan Of FrEaKs:

(1) We are not directly associated with the band.
This ring of fans is also being controlled by a fan. The band has no knowledge of this ring. It is a fan-created fan ring.

(2) We are not promoting Satanism or the hatred of Christ.
Many people will see the title "Marilyn Manson AntiChrist Clan of FrEaKs" and automatically try to end our ring. They will believe that we are a clan that is trying to promote Satanism over the internet, to cause teens and others to become Satanists. However, that is not what we are trying to do. We are only trying to gather Marilyn Manson fans all over the world and unite them. This site is a gathering place for Marilyn Manson fans to chat with other fans, and voice their opinions freely.

(3) We are not a webring.
The Clan of FrEaKs is being run off the webring program. Manson Ramirez decided that this would be the easiest way to have people be added to the ring of fans. However, you do not need a web site to join this fan ring. All you need is a valid e-mail address, and member name. Manson Ramirez is currently working on taking the Clan Of FrEaKs off the webring program, and running it solely from this site.

(4) We are a non-profit organization.
The Clan of FrEaKs is to be used only as a uniting of Marilyn Manson fans. Joining is free of charge. All services available after joining are free of charge.

(5) We will never provide any other source with your information.
If you decide to join our group, or even send us comments, the information you provide us with will not be given out. Member information will be located on the Clan of FrEaKs web site for reference purposes. All secret information, such as passwords, will remain unknown to others.

Above are the points Manson Ramirez wishes to get across to people. If you do not understand them, or would like a further explanation to answer a specific question of yours, please e-mail Manson Ramirez at:


Clan of FrEaKs Home Page

This page ©1998 Manson Ramirez.
