February 5, 1998: Manson Ramirez apologizes for any inconvenience with queue sites. She has not been adding new members due to the current changes. Current index members, and queue members, will soon be asked to sign up for membership to the ring from a link on this site. Please check back to learn more.
February 5, 1998: Manson Ramirez asks that members update the HTML code located on their web sites. The code can be found here.
February 5, 1998: Please bookmark the Clan Of FrEaKs Home Page for quicker and easier access. Thanks!
February 6, 1998: Manson Ramirez is now accepting members into the Clan of FrEaKs. After reading "More Information" on our home page, please e-mail: cof-owner@juno.com with your name and e-mail address. Thank you.
February 6, 1998: Manson Ramirez apologizes for any inconvenience with the above code. It has messed up somehow. Please e-mail her for the HTML code needed. Thank you.
February 11, 1998: Manson Ramirez has added the 'current members', 'member information', and 'chat room', pages to the site.
February 12, 1998: Manson Ramirez has added the Marilyn Manson AntiChrist Clan of FrEaKs Disscussion Board to the site. The board is ready for messages.
February 12, 1998: Manson Ramirez has added a form for joining the Clan Of FrEaKs to the Joining Information page.
March 15, 1998: If you have previously signed up for the Clan of FrEaKs, but have not recieved any information from Manson Ramirez yet, please wait. Manson Ramirez is recieving over 100 messages a week concerning potential Clan of FrEaKs members. You will recieve a reply message, providing you with your member ID number as soon as possible. PLEASE DO NOT RE-SUBMIT THE INFORMATION, as it will only cause more of delay in recieving the member information.
April 17, 1998: I have recently decided to create a new site for the Marilyn Manson AntiChrist Clan of FrEaKs. Along with the new site, I plan to shorten the name of the "clan" to the "Marilyn Manson Clan of FrEaKs". This is mainly because many people have decided against joining the "clan" due to the fact that they are Christians, and it would be against their beliefs to join a group of such a title. I hope you all understand, and agree with, my decision, as I feel it is a necessary movement. Please keep your eyes on this site for the release date of the new site. Thanks!