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Hi!! I'm Trish about two years ago a good friend of mine put me onto chat, I'm not real sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but as you can see 2 years down the track and I'm still here. I started chatting in yahoo and the next thing you know I was exploring the possiblity of creating a homepage. This is the third or maybe fouth time I'm updating this info, I've had a ball adding pages and even have a page with pics of my online buddies. (My Yahoo Buddy link can be found below )

Well where will I start, I'm married to a wonderful man, his name is Eamon and we have two beautiful boys, Jake and Matt. Jake is intellectually impaired, my beautiful dark haired boy, has Dyspraxia, it's a neurological problem, which means that the messages the brain sends to the body aren't picked up properly. Dyspraxia can affect either a childs speech or motor movement or both, in Jakes case both are severly affected, but anyone who meets him is imediately taken by him, he has a smile to die for, and the best nature a mum and dad could ask for in a child.

Next there's Matt,.... well what can I say about my 7 year old ...apart from he's 7 going on 16, Matt is a bright happy little boy, he loves to sit and draw for hours a budding artist in the making (takes after me I think) Matt is at that great age where you start to lose teeth and look really awkward, at the moment he is missing both front teeth and looks really cute. He is in grade two and absolutely loves school.....isn't it a shame it doesn't usaully last...

Eamon.... Emu!!! what can I tell you about my husband...Well he's gotta be intelligent he married me....No seriously Eamon is a wonderful husband and dad...he loves to go fishing and camping, before I met him he had travelled Australia extensivley....My wonderful bearded bushie....As I mentioned before Eamon has just started a business of his own it's a handy man service and he is doing really well

Well lastly there's me....Before I got hooked on this thing ....(the p.c ) I used to spend alot of time painting and making things. I love to get the jigsaw out and cut out my own folk art pieces. I also like to restore furniture, I have a 1930's desk just crying out to be restored. When I'm done with this page I'll get on with it.... As you can see I'm still hooked maybe even worse than before....I still love to chat and surf the net....and obviously work on my homepage. As a family we love to go to the beach and camping...most out holidays are spent camping.. So now you know a little more about us..

Austblonde's Homepage