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Finding sites that might interest other people as well as your self is really difficult but here you will find things that I like and things my family likes....Our City...Brisbane is beautiful ...hope you take the time to look at it....The site on Fraser island is my would have to be the best place to holiday....still very natural and it gives the kids a chance to see dingos ...brumbies....goannas...and lots of wildlife they wouldn't get the chance to see in most other places...

Aboriginal History

Visit this site and learn a little about Aboriginal history

Arnotts Biscuits

I don't know any Aussie Kids that didn't grow up on Arnotts biscuits...Mmmmmmmm tiny teddies, arrowroots

Sydney Olympics

The year 2000 is going to be HUGE!!!! for all AUSSIES when we proudly show the rest of the world the best Olympics ever held.

Vegemite Site

All Aussies are suppose to love Vegemite....I can't say that I do, but its an ALL AUSSIE tradtion so I've added this link Hope you like it!!

Country Craft Clip Art

When I gave up work after having the kids.....I became very interested in painting and craft.....shame I didn't have the internet then.....there are some great ideas around....this one has lovely clip art..

Yahoo Chat

Well what can I say about yahoo Chat....except it's addictive....I think everyone should give it a try....

Where we like to Holiday

Every summer we try to get away for a few weeks's probably the best way to really relax....out favourite spot is Fraser Island...the world's largest sand island....there's only one problem....the dingos...but I suppose they were there first..

My City

Eamon and I were both born in Brisbane...we think it's the greatest place to live.....everyone should visit...

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