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I often sit and watch my little man Matt sometimes quiet and sombre, others a deffiant little S*** who's never wrong and has an excuse for everything. He reminds me so much of someone I know I wonder who that could be....... Matt's the kind of kid that's perfectly happy with his own company, give him plenty of paper, lots of pens and paints and he can keep himself amused for hours.

I'm not too sure if I'm just a proud mum or if he really does have talent, but he's done some terrific little works of art, he seems to have a good eye for detail and a good eye for recall. Ask Matt to draw "Champ" our dog and his drawing may not be acurately perfect but his attempt will be just like he last saw the dog, whether that be sleeping or chasing a ball

A few months after I started my homepage it was Dyspraxia awareness week, so I set out to do a page for Jake in the hope that even if I just sent it to my online friends and they in turn sent it to theres I would be doing my bit to increase the awareness of a very little known dissability. Only problem with that was Matt got his nose outta joint...."why should Jake be on the net and Matt not . I tried to explain it to him, but in his eyes there is nothing wrong with his brother, so there was a deffinite injustice here.....

Well at last I've put together a little something for Matt . Eamon bought me a scanner for my birthday so now I've scanned some of Matt's works of art and he too can have a page. I can assure you peace and harmony now reigns in Austblonde's household

I picked a few of my favourites to scan....

A bird in a tree.....and a snake


a parrot.........and a peacock feather.....

a polar bear stepping into the page.....and puff the dragon.....

a bug............................and a spider

I hope you liked Matt's artwork... Oh and by the way if you decide to sign the guestbook say G'day to Matt or I'll have to set up a guestbook for him too, as this was the next thing on his list of complaints...

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