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Create A Homepage

Starting a homepage can seem quiet a challenge, but if you take it slowly you will find you really enjoy it. The links below were very helpful to me, I hope you can use them too.

Things I found Helpful

  • Basics

    I found the angelfire basic html page to be very useful, it includes what all the codes mean as well as a list of colors you can use.It makes it easy to understand why you are doing things..You will find the link below


    This part of building a homepage can be the most fun, this is where you get to be as creative as you like.Search the net for sites on graphics. I have included one that I found to be very helpful


    Now this is the best part....getting ideas , well if you want my advice go through other peoples homepages and steal ideas...adapt them to what you like and go for it..

Links to Pages that will help you

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
So many people have told me that they started a Homepage but didn't get very far, because they found it too difficult, I am really a computer dummy but I found Angelfire to be easy to use and easy to understand, so if you want to make your own page I suggest you try Angelfire.

Great animated gifs

This is a site that was sent to me by a friend it has heaps of animated gifs and bars and buttons. It is really useful.

Complete sets of matching backgrounds and buttons

Here you will find all matching gifs and backgrounds. It includes everything you will need to make a has bars buttons signs and a whole lot more.You can download single pics or the whole set in zip. Really worth having a look at.

Angelfires basic html's
When you sign up with Angelfire they will give you this address in the login page, but I found it handy to bookmark it. It was a great help and I found myself going back to review it often.

You'll need a Guestbook
Having a guestbook is probably one of the best parts of having a homepage, checking to see what your friends think of your really get to have a good laugh

Wanna put a midi on your page...
It took me forever to work out how to put a song on my page...and unfortunately I still can't take the credit..Ccaz was the one who showed me this site.There are literally 1000's of songs to choose from..another great site.

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Austblonde's Homepage