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Islam and Muslims

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

About Al-Islam and Muslims

The Holy Quran

The Hadith and Sunnah

About The Holy Quran

Sunnah and Hadith

The Holy Quran
- Interpreted by Abdullah Yusuf Ali

Translation of Sahih Bukhari

Subject Index - Holy Quran
- Yusuf Ali interpretation

Collection of Hadith in Sahih Bukhari

Chapter Introductions to the Qur'an
- By Syed Abu-Ala' Maududi

Partial collection of the hadith in Sahih Muslim

The Noble Quran
- Muhsin Khan and Dr. Hilali interpretation

Partial collection of Hadith in Su'nun Imam Abu-Dawood

Details and Statistics of the Quran

Partial collection of the hadith in Imam Malik's Muwatta

The History and authenticity of the Quran

Introduction to the Science of Hadith
- By: Suhaib Hassan, Al-Quran Society, London

What They Say About The Quran

Introduction to the classification of Hadith

The Quran and Modern Science
- Taken from "The Origin of Man", by Dr. Maurice Bucaille

A collection of 40 Hadith Qudsi

The way to the Quran
- by Khurram Murad

Some Misc Hadith

Guide to Memorizing the Quran

Signs Before the Day of Judgement
- Compiled by Gharm-Allah El-Ghamdy


Other Islamic Resources

Islam on Internet

Some Handy Islamic Links


Islamic Events for 1417 A.H.

Islam on the InterNet

Muslim Prayer Times for the World

DUNYA - CyberMuslim Collective Information

Date Converter for Hijra Dates

QIBLA - Quran and Islamic Books Library Archive

Muslim Names and their Meaning - Masculine LIST 1 And LIST 2

Islamic Texts and Resources

Muslim Names and their Meaning - Feminine LIST 1 And LIST 2

The ICB Islamic Audio Studio

Structure of Muslim Names

Other WWW Sites on ISLAM (MSA's)

Qibla Direction--The Mathematical Basis (a report)

Muslim Women Home Page

FAQ - On Islam and Muslims

College Preparatory School of America
School run by Muslims offering secular & Islamic education

Glossary of Islamic Terms and Concepts

Online Lunar phase Calendar

Islamic Dictionary

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