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newest ading, theo
this is my newest ading... he already looks like a heartbreaker....
BORN ON JANUARY 5, 1999, 8 lbs. 4 oz., 19 inches
he's so cute... makes me want to have another one... (yeah right!?!)
Meet Alissa, Scotty's niece. She's almost 3 months old now. Like Rosie would say, she's a cutey patootey. To hear Alissa trying to talk, click here | or here to hear her say "uncle scott" at 3 months
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Find yourself spending too much time on AOL?? Why don't you help out in the Leukemia Society of America's need for Asian Donors...

CHat wiTh FiLipiNo FrieNds in pinas , flipside , manila or flipzone, or International Chat ALso ChEcKoUt the FLIPSIDE Homepage ...


i HaVe A WorLd oF FrieNds...
I'm gLad uR ParT of iT!!
weLL datz aLL foLks!!
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skotty ©1998 Produced by Scotty Graph ix!!! NconJunctn with N4gtabl Productionz