What started out as surfing da net and chatting in the PiNoy rooms has Lead 2 a WeaLth of FrieNdShip... I've met many friends from all over... and I WELCOME U 2!! =) I've also included my favorite links... to visit them, just cLick on any of the underLined words... My Screen Name is taken from Baguio, da city in da Philippines where i was born and raised... currently, i Live in Cerritos, California & i work in Irvine 4 aN engineering firm... My hobbies incLude SpEnDin TiMe Wid My baBee, aNd fRieNds, sHoPPing... DaNcing... waTcHin FriEnDs Sing KaRaoKe At MaX iN CeRRiToS =P waTching concerts, pLays, n MoVies... i Like Starbucks Cofee and a heartwarmer each morning. TaLking WiTH tHE kEwLeST fRiEnDs... goin sHoPPing... i Like mAkiNg aND LiSteniNg To wAvS!! i like organizing and my CD coLLecTion & BOT's (if you haven't discovered BOT's yet make sure U visit that site)... ohh?? did i MeNtiOn i LoVe shoPPinG??? ;-P
jOIN mE sUmTiMe hee hee FOr A gAmE Of sTrip poKeR AT: Casino Poker =P Excited about the Olympics?? Read the latest from Down Under in The Sydney Morning Herald. =) VisiT Original Pilipino Music Weblinks =) ChEcK oUt tHe NBA weBsiTe... i LOVE This GamE!!! =P SenD SoMeoNE SpeCiAL an AWARD OR GreeTiNg CARD !! or reAd a Book exerpt!! =) GoTTa WAV ?? HooK Me Up!! LeTs TRaDe!!