E-mail me your answers to this skill testing question! The first to answer it will have their name up on this site! (Sorry, no prizes but I'm only a 12 year old so I don't have any money for prizes. If you would like to donate a prize please e-mail me)
Q: What 2 animals (their wild) names ryhme?
A:Congo and Bongo
Q:What 2 beanies are named after a real person?
A:Sorry! I messed up here! There are actually 4 beanies:
*Ringo *Garcia *Princess *Mel Much thanx to Emily, who pointed this out, and to all the others who guessed.
Q:What is the difference between Canadian and American beanie babies?
A:Many people came up with the correct answer---there tush tags...canadians have an extra tag!
Q:What beanies are not real animals?