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Protecting Your Investment

We all know beanie babies aren't worth anything if they are left un-protected, so here are some hints to help keep your beanie babies health for life!

Hang Tag: A hang tag protector is a must. Beanies are only worth half price with no swing tag. I would go for the cheap ol' $0.35 ones! But on ones over $50, I use a good solid one, like the $0.50. For ones over $100, I would recommend the ones priced at around a dollar. (But no more than that!) Try and buy the protectors as soon as you get the beanie, you never know when your beanie will get damaged!
Tush Tag: Now, the tush tag is not majorly in need of protection, I don't use them on any of my beanies! But...for those that are really expensive, and those of you who like to play with your beanies, and bring 'em outside, I would go for the tush protectors. And it's a good idea to buy em for beanies worth over $100.
Soiling: We all know beanies get soiled easily, especially the ones that are white or light colors. Now, we know that there are a lot of plastic and glass cases out there, ranging from 2-5 dollars. Those are ok...but I think they're kinda of ugly. creative! Use tables, make a house, use an old doll house, or old barbie furniture, boxes, etc! I myself use a house made for me by my dad!
Dust: Almost wherever you leave em, they are likely to get dusty. A good thing to do on really expensive beanies, is to protect various parts (such as Hoppity's ears) by placing tissue paper around em.
Choosing: A good deal of damage on a beanie comes when shipping. So be careful to choose the beanie with:
*The nicest fur
*The one with the most perfectly folded hang tag
*the one with the most perfectly positioned nose, eyes and mouth

If ya have any tips on protecting your beanies, e-mail me!
