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  • Welcome
    to my little corner of Serenity..
  • Just a few words, these POEMS are not my creation
    most of them are by authur unknown if you know who wrote them
    please email me and I give them the credit that's due too them.
  • backgrounds I done myself and icons and images I scanned from cds I own any similarities is poorly coincidental

  • This website is Dedicated in LOVING MEMORY OF MY MOTHER
    (Rose Hibbs)~~ 04/09/1913 ~~~22/04/1984~~

  • ~Remember that your loss is shared
    By all the Family, and by many friends who care And that you're in our thoughts and hearts
    And in our every prayer.~

  • May Memories Comfort You
    One who has lived
    never truly dies,
    but crosses a bridge
    into the next life
    where all is beautiful
    and peaceful,
    and the breeze
    always whispers
    of lasting love.
    May it ease
    your sadness a bit to know
    that your precious memories
    will always be a bridge between this world and the next,
    between your loved one and you.


    I dreamed of you last night...
    You stretched out your arms and hugged me tight.
    And just for moment there it seemed
    That your touch was real, not just a dream.
    I had talked to God just hours before
    And told Him "Lord, there is nothing more
    That could satisfy or comfort me
    Than for my Mother's face to see".
    God heard my prayer and through His grace
    Mom, I looked upon your face.
    I felt your hug, your love, your touch...
    The very things I needed so much.
    There is a void in my life still...
    A place that no one else can fill.
    But precious memories I have of you...
    And I have God to lean on too.
    So Mom, until that glorious day
    We walk hand in hand in Heaven I'll pray
    That once again through God's loving grace
    I'll feel your touch and see your face.

    Today God Called You Home

    Today God called you home Extended his arms & opened Heaven's Door
    I never knew emptiness Nor have I ever cried like this before
    I know your one of Heaven's Angels
    And all I have to do is look above
    You're in a happier place now
    No pain, no sadness…just eternal love
    You're no longer suffering
    Your work on Earth is done
    God called you home
    A new life in Heaven has begun
    But here on Earth
    There's a new star in the sky
    Shining with your spirit
    To keep your memory alive
    You're one of Heaven's Angels now
    You'll always be with me…near or far
    And when I need your guidance
    I'll look above to that shining star
    In my heart
    You'll always hold a special place
    That no one else Could ever replace
    If only I could have That shining star again to touch
    Just to let you know How I love you so much!
    But I don't have to tell you
    For you have always known
    You're one of Heaven's Angels now
    For When God calls me home

    The Rose (death of faith)

    The rose cries for her Petals droop towards the ground;
    They begin to fall.
    She cries intense tears
    All behind closed doors; Music blares on.
    The rose looks longingly at her Wishing somehow to speak,
    To speak only, "I love you."
    She kneels and prays hard To a God who has forsaken her;
    She trembles uncontrollably.
    The rose reaches out silently But sees no response.
    Relunctantly she closes her petals.
    Softly she renounces her faith --
    A faith in someone cruel And nonexistent.
    The rose stands strong With the strength the girl possesses not.
    Slowly the rose sleeps.

    Holy Mary

    From the very first moment of your existence you came for us a source of Joy,
    since God Our Father chose you to be the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour and Redeemer
    bring to completion our joy through your constant guidance help us throughout our life so that we may truly love God above all things and that we may also love one another as your Son Our Lord Jesus Christ did so that united in His love we may be saved Amen




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    All Rights Reserved