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  • Welcome
    to my little Corner of Serenity Poetry..

  • I like to say that these POEMS are not my creation
    most of them are by authur unknown if you know who wrote them
    please email me and I give them the credit that's due too them.
  • backgrounds I done myself and icons and images i scanned from cds I own any similarities is poorly coincidental

  • This website is Dedicated in LOVING MEMORY OF MY FATHER
    (C.J.Hibbs)~~ 07/09/1915 ~~~25/03/1995~~
  • Background music it's what he always used to say to me..(Don't Cry For Me Argentina)

  • ~Remember that your loss is shared
    By all the Family, and many friends who care And that you're in our thoughts and hearts
    And in our every prayer.~

  • Thinking On The Day You Left

    A warm day in March
    Left a cold breeze in my heart
    Knowing I was about to see you soon
    I was told we will soon part
    The days of endless smiles and giggles
    Are now nothing but sweet memories
    Days of endless tickles Are now just going to be stories
    The lifeless body of yours was seen
    There was no talking and you hardy breathing
    Turning away I felt so mean
    But it's hard when its you I am seeing
    The smiles were covered by tears
    The looks and stares were hard to take
    All of a sudden suffocated by fears
    Feeling helpless hoping its all a mistake
    As tears flowed,regrets surfaced
    Thinking this couldn't happen to me
    This is what is to be faced
    And this is how it's going to be

    Goodbye Dad

    Standing so brave so tall in life and death
    He is yet now a blurry vision of my life and love
    The earthly guardian sent from the heaven above
    to defend me to guide me
    to love unconditionly his daughter
    I have your blood in my veins
    I have your sense of humor zany so they say
    Your life was work and hard
    but dedicated it all to the family
    I learned to late in your years
    To acknowledge your gift freely given
    Your life dedicated to god and family.
    You reached out to me near death held my hand and said
    I wish I had told you more often how much I loved you
    and I turned to look in those blue eyes and said Dad I knew by the way
    you lived your life the love was always there
    the love is in my heart wait for me at the gate

    Daddies and Daughters

    A father is someone you keep dear to you.
    He knows what you need He always knows what to do.
    He is the one who gave you peace in your head
    By scaring off monsters that hid under your bed.
    He has his uniqueness He's different from mum
    Though hair's not his specialty When you're weak he is strong.
    He might have his own way of going about
    Handling girl problems mum's know more about
    But just because he isn't mum doesn't mean
    That he doesn't think of you as his little queen.
    Dad's and their daughters have a special bond
    One thing that we share with him and not mum.
    He loves us so dearly
    He is patient and true
    For you, his dear daughter Were his one dream come true.

    Dad's Footsteps

    His footsteps are unsteady,
    As he walks across the floor He tries so hard not to fall
    As he reaches the bedroom door He heads to the kitchen,
    for his meds and morning toast.. His hands slow and tremblin
    as he hopes for one last boast. The feet that once were strong,
    and sturdy like ole' oak trees Are now slow and shuffled
    and weak as weak can be..
    I know he thinks of days gone by , as he reads the morning news....
    But dad just keep on thinking....
    on this you DIDN'T choose.
    So,I'll hide my broken heart beneath my laughing face,
    And although you think they'll never care

    Dad I Miss You So

    To my dad how I miss you so Remembering the day I felt you go
    The day smiles turned into tears
    The moment of happiness taken over by fears
    That awful day I didn't say goodbye
    My heart full of pain all I did was cry
    I didn't want to say I love you
    I didn't want the fact your leaving be true
    Saying goodbye was saying forever
    Seeing you again was told to be never
    Hearing you say "I love you" again was impossible
    All your pain and unhappiness I felt responsible
    The words 'it's ok BaBy" are quickly fading
    Myself for not saying anything is whom I am hating
    I am never going to see your face when you're proud
    I am always going to have an emptiness never to be found
    My life to come will never be judged by you
    Many days will remind me this and I will be blue
    My heart will be protected by the love you gave
    And my life will proceeded with the memories of you saved

    Holy Mary

    from the very first moment of your existence you came for us a source of Joy,
    since God Our Father chose you to be the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour and Redeemer
    bring to completion our joy through your constant guidance help us throughout our life so that we may truly love God
    above all things and that we may also love one another as your Son Our Lord Jesus Christ did so that united in His love we may be saved Amen




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    All Rights Reserved