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  • Welcome
    to my little corner of sereninty
  • I like to say that these POEMS are not my creation
    most of them are by authur unknown if you know who wrote them
    please email me and I give them the credit that's due too them.
  • backgrounds I done myself and icons and images i scanned from cds I own any similarities is poorly coincidental

  • The Road of Prayer

    The direction in life can be so distant
    Our vision can become a blur
    At one time life seemed so easy
    Our answers seemed so sure
    But down this path are many roads
    And its hard to see the way
    Why do we take so much upon ourself
    And make it harder for us each day?
    Our burdens are so heavy
    Oh lay them at His feet
    We're here to find the victory
    No longer face defeat
    The secret place is where we go
    To lay our burdens down
    The prayer road that we seek
    Its direction we have found
    As we sit and ponder our events of life
    We see now the road we should take
    The solitude of its quietness up a hill beside a lake
    Our prayer road is the one for us
    We will cast our cares upon thee
    We will follow it until its beauty we share
    In our secret place of prayer we'll be


