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  • Welcome

    to my little corner of sereninty

  • I like to say that these POEMS are not my creation
    most of them are by authur unknown if you know who wrote them
    please email me and I give them the credit that's due too them.
  • backgrounds I done myself and icons and images i scanned from cds I own any similarities is poorly coincidental

  • A Hug

    I'm something you can feel
    Whether it be make believe or real
    I don't cost a lot of money, I am fairly cheap
    As a matter of fact, I'm absolutely free
    I'm given to you by someone who cares
    I can be big or I can be a bear
    I can touch you're heart Near or far
    I can mean many different things
    Such as: Hi How Are You?
    Or,I'm Sorry.
    I'M A HUG!
    I've been sent to you with Love
    To warm your heart and give your spirits a tug
    You can't actually see me,
    I'm Invisible
    So close your eyes, and catch your hug
    As it floats through the net
    And imagine the sweet feeling you'd get If actual arms met


