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  • Welcome to my little corner of sereninty

  • I like to say that these POEMS are not my creation
    most of them are by authur unknown if you know who wrote them
    please email me and I give them the credit that's due too them.
  • backgrounds I done myself and icons and images i scanned from cds I own any similarities is poorly coincidental

  • Special Delivery!!

    Even though we are apart,
    you are always in my heart!
    Your cheery e-mails sent my way
    bring sun and warmth to the coldest day.
    And when I am feeling especially low,
    straight to my computer I will go
    And hopefully there is a message from you -
    perhaps a poem or a joke or two!
    You're a special friend with whom to share.
    It is wonderful knowing that you care!
    I am so thankful that you are on the other end
    and I can connect quickly to you my friend!
    So keep sending your e-mail my way
    and I will respond without delay!


