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  • Welcome to my little corner of sereninty
  • I like to say that these POEMS are not my creation
    most of them are by authur unknown if you know who wrote them
    please email me and I give them the credit that's due too them.
  • backgrounds I done myself and icons and images i scanned from cds I own any similarities is poorly coincidental

  • Be You

    You can dream, Yes, You can do it,
    Just put your "all" right in to it,
    Let every pain brush lightly by,
    And simply tell yourself it's "I",
    Let no on else intrude upon,
    Your thoughts, your dreams, your silver swan,
    While others can seem rude or mean,
    There are within you are parts unseen,
    You've lived a life that no one knows,
    Except yourself and nothing shows,
    Upon your face, It's just your sighs
    And something deep within your eyes,
    While others have no earthly clue,
    I know in you, it's oh, so true,
    That's why I say...OH, JUST BE YOU!


