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Welcome to the Exclusive
BestLounge Chat Room on the Web

Thanks to the marvelous efforts of the folks at French Kiss, the World Wide Web can now experience all the joys of Bestlounge that were normally restricted to the paralyzing confines of IRC.Prodigy.Net! If you have a java-enabled browser, you will now be able to join the folks at BestLounge for a refreshing dip in the Hot Tub.  And, Bestlounge regulars can use this as a place to meet friends and family who are restricted from accesssing you on the Wonderful World of P.I. Chat!
This fantastic program works just like a regular IRC channel with very few excep- tions and lots of extra features.  After you connect, take a minute to press the help button to read about using the special features.  As for security (besides limited ops), the folks at French Kiss record the I.P. address and time of all users, so any abusive visitors are easily identified.  Users of this chat area are reminded that it is a crime in all 50 states to do anything that is considered violent or offensive to minors that may be present in the room.
You will also discover that this chat area is accessible to anyone using French Kiss chat programs, either from their own home page or through the French Kiss home page.  And you thought that meeting people on Prodigy was weird! LOL!!!

Please click HERE to visit our Bulletin Board to check for scheduled chat events or to post an event.  Anyone may schedule an event (within reason and with taste, of course) and times are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

So, jump right in and give it a try!

BestLounge on the Web!
After Chatting, please return to the Main Page
and sign our Guestbook or e-mail us with your comments!

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