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Bibliography and Plagiarism Examples

Bibliography Format
SOURCE - - - - - - - - -FORMAT- - - - - - - -
BOOK Author last, Author first, Title underlined,
Place, Publisher, Date.
three or more authors
Author last, Author first, et al., Title underlined, Place, Publisher, Date.
Author last, Author first, “Title of article in quotes,” Title of magazine underlined, (Date of article in parentheses), Page numbers.
INTERNETAuthor last, Author first, Title of document of Web Page underlined, URL# http://, Date created or last updated.
Author last, Author first, “Title of article in quotations,” Title of reference underlined, Volume number, Place, Publisher, Latest copyright date.

The table above represents only a small portion of the possible sources you might use. Refer to your Big 6 handout for more information
General hints and helps:
Entries should be alphabetized by author name, or title if no author>
Do not use "A, An, or The" to alphabetize.
Use the underline followed by comma, to indicate that no author is given.
Separate all elements by a comma, use a period at the end.
Single space each entry, but double space between entries.
Indent the second and succeeding lines of each entry.

Plagiarism Example
to steal or state someone’s words
or ideas and use them as your own
to use or restate someone’s words
or ideas but express them in your own words
Original text
To say that prohibition - or, if you prefer, the refusal of the public to abide by prohibition - caused the rise of the gangs would be too easy an explanation. There were other causes: the automobile, which made escapes easy; the use of a new arsenal of handy and deadly weapons; the murderous traditions of the mafia, imported by Sicilian gangsters; the sheer size and unwieldiness of the modern metropolitan community which prevented the focusing of public opinion upon any depredation which did not immediately concern the average individual citizen; and, of course, the easy-going political apathy of the time. But the immediate occasion of the rise of gangs was undoubtedly prohibition - or, to be more precise, beer-running.
There have always been gangs and gangsters in American life there has always been corruption of city officials and doubtless always will be; yet it is ironically true that the outburst of corruption and crime in Chicago was immediately occasioned by the attempt to banish the temptations of liquor from the American home.
Frederick Lewis Allen, Only Yesterday, pp. 263-265.
Gangsters gained control of cities for many reasons and prohibition was the most important. But there were many other causes. The automobile made escape easy. The gangsters had a new arsenal of handy and deadly weapons. The Sicilian gangsters brought with them the murderous traditions of the Mafia. But the immediate occasion of the rise of gangs was undoubtedly prohibition .
Gangsters gained control of cities for many reasons and prohibition may have been the most important. But there were many other reasons. The automobile provided a quick escape. Guns were important and many new weapons were available. Many of the gangsters had roots in Sicily which had a history of Mafia murder. But these would not have become important if prohibition had not been in effect. (Allen, p. 263)
To avoid plagiarizing the above paragraph, you should use quotation marks around the highlighted words and cite the source, or you should paraphrase the words and ideas and cite the source.

The above information was generously provided by the Logan High School Media Specialists.
Prepared by: Carole Wells, Dean Cozine, Stephanie Papas, Jay Hendee, James Hansen


