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Energy Unit Guidelines

1. Symbiotic Relationships
Identify each of the following relationships as they occur in your biome. Use specific organism names in each example.
To see definitions of these terms, click here.

2. Trophic Levels
Label each of the organisms that you found from the Five Kingdoms Unit with their trophic level (producer, decomposer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer etc). For the animals, indicate whether they are herbivores, carnivores or omnivores as well.
To see definitions of these terms, click here.

3. Trophic Pyramid
Draw a Trophic (food) pyramid showing ALL of the organisms you found, except the decomposers, in the Five Kingdoms unit in their places on the Trophic Pyramid. Your drawing should show that only 10% of the energy is preserved between levels. Label each level (producer, primary consumer etc) and write in the names of the organisms that belong in each.
To see a sample trophic pyramid, click here

4. Food Web
Design a food web which is representative of your biome. Your food web should include AT LEAST 3 producers, 8 consumers (up to fourth-order or higher) and one decomposer. Include pictures of your organisms in the food web, either hand-drawn or copied from the Internet or books/magazines. Be sure to do your research so that you are reasonably sure you know what each consumer eats.




