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Map and Introduction Directions

1. Color in all the places in the world where your biome is found on the world map provided by your teacher. You may either leave the rest blank or color it in different colors. Include a title for your map, such as "Worldwide Distribution of Deserts."
2. Draw in the Equator, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and Prime Meridian for reference.
3. Using an atlas, choose a representative area within your biome. Be sure to choose an area with a large city in it because you will need the city later to look up other information.
4. Indicate the location of your representative city with a star on your map, and label the star with the city name.

Introductory Paragraph
Describe your biome in general terms. Include in your paragraph:
1. General climate information--temperature, rainfall
2. General location world wide. Is your biome near the equator? In the tropics? In high latitudes? Near large mountain ranges?
3. Approximate Earth coverage--about how much of the Earth is covered by your biome? A large portion? Small? Either find a true number or estimate percentage of land taken up by your biome.



