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BlueSoulFire's Pagan Advice

Dear Abby now has a pagan counterpart!! Due to the phenomenal amount of mail I have received asking a wide range of advice about paganism, I've decided start an advice page. Not to say that I am the end all of spirituality, but there seems to be a need for an open pagan forum, but with protected privacy. It's time to take off the viel of mystery and help people to see beyond the typical misinformation about witchcraft. If you do not agree with my answers or have something to add feel free to email me! I will post it ASAP! For Now- ENJOY!

Combining Catholicism with Paganism: Coptic Witchcraft

I'm a Roman Catholic. Even thought I do not agree with everything me Religion teaches me I still believe in one god and his son Jesus. I have friends that are wiccan. They seem to really enjoy there religion. I was wondering if there was anyway for me to practice witchcraft and still keep my religious beliefs? Thank you so much for you time.

Your question is a tough one to answer. Most pagans hold a high dislike of Christians due to the fact of the endless persecution received in the name of Jesus. This does not hold true for everyone. There is a form of Christian witchcraft, practiced by the Egyptians, that is called Coptic witchcraft. It is not well heard of, but you can find books on it in your local library. In actuality, most of the Christian practices come from their deep pagan roots, which is also true of Judaism (Judaism also has it's own form of witchcraft called Quaballah). It is also possible to be Wiccan and chose the Christian gods as your pantheon. Any endeavor you make into witchcraft should be well researched and thought out. As a general rule, don't believe, pursue, or practice anything you do not feel comfortable with. A good book on learning the basics of the craft and to familiarize your with all the different traditions practiced by modern witches and a book that is fairly non offensive to most is To Ride a Silver Broomstick by Silver RavenWolf. (As you may have noticed, I think that this book is excellent for beginners in the craft)

Accidental Telekensis

Five days ago, afternoon, I sat at my table doing my homework. I was playing with my pen throwing it back and forth. After a while I just stopped doing anything to it and started staring at it. You know sometimes people hear about extraordinary abilities and you just wanna try it yourself but you expect nothing to happen. So that's what I did. After couple of minutes of staring at my pen I started seeing it separately from everything, it was like nothing existed but the pen. Then I saw it moving and it moved about 5 cm towards the edge of my notebook. I have no idea of what happened. I am a science type of person, everything has to have a scientific explanation. At first I thought I imagined things, but then the pen did move it was obvious. Then I thought it was may be a gravity or wind or whatever else.... I still think that it was my imagination but fact is a fact. I guess I just don't want to believe that. It's just too much to swallow. After couple of days I tried to move my pen again by staring at it but nothing happened, I tried it today no results. That's where I need help. The fact is the pen moved when all the conditions where to keep that pen in the same spot. I experimented - I placed a pen on the same notebook for a long time (about 5 hours) it never moved. Another fact I am not a religious person nor I am an extraordinary believer. I believe everything has to have an explanation. But this incident had shaken my believes. I AM CONFUSED. I haven't talked about it with anyone I'm afraid they'd just laugh at me. I don't know where to go to get help/explanation. I've tried to make sense out of it myself, but I can't. So please tell me was it just an illusion, physics or was it what I think that was (extraordinary ability) and if my thoughts are correct why can't I repeat it? What do I have to do to make this work again? If you don't know the answers PLEASE let me know where I could find them.

I'm glad you felt like you could write me about your experience as that is part of the reason why I made the web page. I remember when weird stuff first started happening to me! You are right, it is very confusing, especially when your head and gut don't agree!

You seem to have the rare ability of telekinesis and your mind is letting you know that it's matured enough to start developing this ability. Usually our psychic mind switches on between the ages of 18 and 21. This is an average, really, and it kicks in when are minds have matured into adulthood. Most people have an incredible experience that makes them question many aspects the physical world.

This is an important part of becoming a whole person; a whole person being physical and spiritual beings. I'm sure you've heard the words spiritual beings before and I'm afraid we as a society have become desensitized to it. To put it in terms for better understanding I'd have to say this: Being a whole person is basically when your mind taps into your soul making you become more aware of the world.

Your soul is energy, dare I say light energy! A very unique light energy that is kind of a DNA pattern for your role in the world on a spiritual level and your mind is the thing that processes your souls info when your on this earth or what ever you believe, I guess 'the physical world' is a better term. So your mind can use this energy to do things like move matter around. (play with e=mc squared and you'll find away to process light into tangible matter.)

My first thought when I encounter any kind of spiritual experience is that it contradicts what I know of science, no matter what the intensity of the experience is. (That's why I'm always investigating new science findings) Yet, my instinct persists and it tells me that it really happened. I took years before I listened completely. This is the time that you decided whether or not to keep it switched on. You have to question to learn right? Same principle is applied here...and always do your research! You have to learn to know when to trust your instinct to do this you ask questions. You can trust your instincts only by making sure that it is instinct!

Need some advice?