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#GhostsStories Logs

Teriina's Story

my greatgrandmother lived in New Orleans. Next door to her house was a house that had been empty fpr a few years
One day I was playing inside and I saw a young girl about 12 crying on the stairs
When I went up to talk to her, she would not respond.
I went outside to call my mother, but when I went back, she was gone.
By her clothes we figured she probably lived ther eabout the same time the last people who lived there moved out

Abbie's Story

<^_^Abie> i am still terriefied of the dark and i am almost 19 years old
Groth> u saw it in the dark?
<^_^Abie> i have to turn on lights in the middle of the night to use the bathroom(cant cross a dark room)
<^_^Abie> no just afraid of what i cnt see
Groth> it is better to b afraid of what we can't feel
<^_^Abie> and there is suppost to be a ghost in the hose i live in(not seeen, but has done actions ) i feel like i feel somethingds pressence sometimes and really freaks it out
<^_^Abie> it=me
Groth> you should meditate
BlueStarFire> hmmm...I agree with groth
<^_^Abie> i did once a lil' mike was trying to see what my feer was and led d me into it
<^_^Abie> and i kinda wigged a lil'
BlueStarFire> what happened..did ya see anything? self awarness is the 1st step
Groth> self acceptance is the 2nd
<^_^Abie> i would, but i want someone who really knows what they are doing teaching me
<^_^Abie> i have a fear of becomeing stuck in htat state
Groth> say u r your only teacher
Groth> its already all up there
BlueStarFire> hmmmm...I could send you something that might help...
<^_^Abie> well it is too long of a stories, but i got accused of steeling when i was a child and didnt do it
Groth> ?
Story never quite finished, some people are too afraid to rehash the memories

Blues's Story

Esthero> um...u said bout u seein him b4 walkin up the stairz
BlueStarFire> yeah well, my sister and I were taling about it and she said that the ghost is really active now
BlueStarFire> well after she said that her bed room door opened and slammed
wackydaffy> the what
BlueStarFire> but we were the only ones in the house
wackydaffy> hey tell me about that ghost story you have please
Esthero> really?! why now??
Esthero> maybe it doesn't like u talkin bout it!! sumthin must have um stired it...made it angry er sumthin?!
BlueStarFire> well maybe
BlueStarFire> but it doesn't seem angry...
BlueStarFire> but there is great vilionce and fear around it
BlueStarFire> she says that one day her and her bestfreind were sitting around the living room after dinner
BlueStarFire> whena ll of a sudden someone started banging on the door
BlueStarFire> my sis said that her freind thought it was an emergency so she went to open the door
BlueStarFire> she opened it an no one was there
BlueStarFire> and my sister sadi that my nephew is having conversations with someone in his sleep...and he is always telling some guy to run and that there is someone behind him

Cavern's Stories
I was staying with a friend about ten years ago. I would get up at the same time as my freind and we would bull-shit before going to work.
One night I had the most vivid dream and had to tell Paul about it. It was about being on a bus going thriugh a windy mountain road and the driver losing control of the bus. It smashed through a gaurdrail and plunged into some kind of river and all these people were on board. It was so vivid it was like I was there I told it to my freind that morning as we went off to work. Later, I was driving around the job site in my pick up and listening to news radio. I hear a blurb about a bus crash in the mountains near Reno. It was exactly as I had dreamed and I thought, 'oh I must have heard this in my sleep and it effected my dream', but no... it happened at 10 am. (4 hrs after i dreamt it)

Well, that is the first part... That night Paul and I got home and we were saying, 'did ya hear??...' It was erie! So, I was feelin weird and suseptible when I went to bed that night and I had another very vivid dream. It was scary! I was at a park having a picnic with freinds and family. The park was one near the airport here and I saw this plane coming in at a bad angle I knew it was going to crash so I yelled runNNNN!!!! Then I dove into a drainage ditch by the road. There was a tremendous explosion and fire roared over the ravene and nearly baked me alive. When it was over (and this is where it gets weird) I peak up over the edge of the ditch to survey the carnage and there is a mushroom cloud! It was like a kamikasi nuke or something! I begin to panic about radiation and start trying to find any one alive. I knew that they say if you start throwing up shortly after exposure it means your a dead man. So I am staggering through the wastes nausious holding in my gorge, telling myself, 'if I don't puke, I will live'. After awhile I start to rot from the radiation; I have open bleeding wounds, burns, and my hair is falling out. But, damn it, I ain't puking! I am gonna live! Then I run into my freind, Tim; he is unscathed, in his dress whites and a navy stooge. He is fine and I am dying. I scream at the injustice and wake up. At the foot of my bed I see someone standing there. I sit up and lean forward blinking. It was a gaunt figure about 5' 6", shadowy. I could tell he was oriental and after a minute or so he faded away. I think now that I was on some kind of psychic wave length where I was able to for see the bus and the next night the restless soul of some one who died at Hiroshema took me on a tour of what it is like to die from radiation. That morning i said to paul 'I had a dream last night'; he said 'tell me'. I said it was about nuclear holocaust and he said 'SHUT UP'. Then he put his hands over his ears.

heres one from the psych hospital i work at i was working nights at the time it was a hospital called westwood ok a locked psychiatric facility and at night we would sit at the station and bs and do rounds and that sort of thing right if a patient got up it was not unusual allthough they are pretty fuckin nuts the patents were alowed to smoke at this time and many woulld get up once or twice a night to smoke well any way there was this girl always a girl a nice little hispanic gal named cruz she doesnt smoke never gets up until this night she comes walking down the hall toward the station with this blank affect and we new something was wrong she walks right past us and out onto the patio out to the chain link fence diann who i was working with says " what the hell is she doin?" i get up to go out and see she starts banging her head into the fence the gate acctually i run up and stop her (6'4" 250lbs) and tell her Cavern> cruz diann will make me put you in restraints if you keep doing this and i walk her back to her room tuck her in bed and come back to the nurses station i tell diann its all taken cre of and she comes running down the hall out to the nurses station to the patio Bang Bang Bang Cavern> i run out and stop her and tryied several times to not have to restrain her Cavern> but every time she was right back oyut beating her head finnally diann says this is ridiculous we gotta put her down so we do and move her bed to the TV room where she is safe from other patients and give her some medication and i am a very caring and enpathic nurse so beleive me i made it as comfortable for her as i could so i am ch4cking her for safewty every 15 minutes peeking in and asking if dshe needs any thing but trying to be quiet and let her sleep all of a sudden she screams the loudest blood curddling scream it echoed down the halls and she kept it up shreik scream wail i go running down to the room thinking some one must have got in but the door was locked and no wone but cruz was there i flick on the light she is sitting up right in bed in restraints tears streaming down her face i say whats wrong cruz she looks right in my eye and says the ghost then started to repeat it over and over the ghost we gave her more meds and she went to sleep and finished oput the night with out further disturbance so later a bunch of people called in sick for the day shift they asked me to stay and work a double and i said ch-ching hehe about 10 that morning a woman calls and says she is cruz's sister and wants to know how shes doing so i give her over to the charge nurse who explained that cruz had had a bad night and maybe this call should wait they were calling to tell cruz that her favorite aunt had died that night i felt a chill sink through me i said did they say what time she says they said about 300 i grabed cruz s chart and shoud her in black and white the nurses note 305 the ghost thats it her auntie came to her as she passed i think it was errie thats all because cruz did see a ghost it just felt so good to kind of have some proof in black and white too right down to the time coincidence?

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