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A Note From The Web Mistress


Dear Lovely Souls:

Hi! Greetings and Welcome to my Web Site! Thanks for dropping by- hope you enjoy it! This page is where I get to express myself and my intentions on a more personal level and also to say thanks to you for supporting us! I also get to fill you in on upcoming changes, additions and the general status of BlueSoulFire.

My Site is just a baby, I started in July, 1998 and have been plugging away in HTML ever since. This site has been more sucessful than I had ever hoped and I thank the gods for it each day. I have made quite a few changes since I began this site and added many new pages. I hope you will find some useful information within my cyber walls or at least somethying to think about. My only goals in producing this page are to help people down this rocky road of life. I've made this page not only for pagans, but for all humanity for no matter what path one chooses to walk, we are united by the great spiritual fabric of all life on this Earth. I invite you to explore this world and ignite your BlueSoulFire!

Bright Blessings

Carrie aka Web Mistress aka Blue Starr
Founder of BlueSoulFire

BlueSoulFire's FUTURE

Completion of the Pagan/Occult/Paranormal dictionary- I've decided to not limit this page to just witchcraft terms and to go the whole nine yards! It should be finished by Winter '99

Completion of Pagan Days Page- this will encompass many different trads and should be done Jan. 2000

Special Thanks Goes out to the Following People:

My Mom and Dad for being such wonderfully open minded loving people who made me who I am, my sister's and thier families for putting up with a bratty sister all those years and for helping so much in my adult life- especially Tina, the rock of my family (I owe her alot of thanks!).
I'd like to say Thanks to my wonderful friends and support system, I love you all!
Karen and Tim who never seem to mind having a weekend guest, helping me so much along the way and keeping me out of trouble (hehe)!
Misti, Lee and Mike- Thanks for reminding me what living is about and helping me when I'm down and out !!!!
Shelly and Pablo- For keeping me grounded and honest and caring so much
Jason and Shelly- Thanks for being so kind to me
Mark- Thanks for kicking me in the butt, making me laugh and being there for me when I needed it
Steve- Thanks for keeping me young at heart, wise in mind and for always being a good friend
Karl- For all the comfort you provided, your proctectiveness, and all the fun we share; for you I have an undying affectoin
The Gals at Tuecumsh- You are wonderful!
Wodin- For those 3 hour dinners of pagan discussion
Amber- Thanks for letting me vent and dream
Lastly to all the kitties and puppies in my life who have given me unconditional love- Amie, Shadow, Sprout, Peurco, Sadie, Cirrus, Bear and Rusty (aka Rubby)

Meet H20, my molecule! Pure water consists of hydrogen and oxygen, H2O, and is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, transparent liquid, which is very slightly compressible. At its maximum density, 39[deg] Fahr. or 4[deg] C., it is the standard for specific gravities, one cubic centimeter weighing one gram. It freezes at 32[deg] Fahr. or 0[deg] C . and boils at 212[deg] Fahr. or 100[deg] C. (see Ice, Steam). It is the most important natural solvent, and is frequently impregnated with foreign matter which is mostly removed by distillation; hence, rain water is nearly pure. It is an important ingredient in the tissue of animals and plants, the human body containing about two thirds its weight of water.


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