BlueSoulFire's Psychic Development
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BlueSoulFire's Psychic Development

Quick Start Guide to Develping Psychic Abilities

Log Your Dreams
Keeping a journal of your deams will get your mind in gear. Each morning jot down what you can remember about your dream. (It's best to do it when the dream is still fresh in your mind) If it isn't possible for you write your entire dream down in the morning, just write a few keywords that will help you to remember the dream later on.

Recording dreams will help you to explore your sub-concsious mind and you may find that they are full of symbology and maybe even premintions; however, it does take some time to learn how to interpert your dreams for yourself. Some dreams are quite straight foward while others are skewed or unclear in meaning. One way to learn dream symbology is to obtain a dream directory, or book that lists dream subjects/ themes or particular objects or relationships with people ( See Reccomened Reading Section). You will be able to draw the general meaning from the book and apply it to your dream. This is fairly easy to do and with time, you'll no longer need the assistance of a book.

One of the simplest ways to develop psychic ability is meditation. All you need is a quiet place and about 30 minutes of time. To meditate simply go into quiet place, void of disturbances of any kind. It can be a dark room, candle lit, filled with sunlight room. Some people meditate in a large closet or out alone in the woods. After you find the spot that suits you best (finding a place that suits you may take some time), either sit straight, on the floor, indian style or lay on your back, and clear your mind of all thought. If you find yourself dewling on thoughts, put them out of your head by saying to yourself 'I well deal with that another time'. Think of a place that is relaxing you to you; an empty beach or sucluded spot in the woods, etc. Another tip for relaxing the mind is to focus on your breathing. Take large, steady breathes at an even rate. This is just one of many ways to relax, but most people have techniques they use to relax in other situations that can be readily applied to meditate. I suggest you do some self-exploration to see what works best for you. The key to medation is relaxation of the mind. Everyone has different reqiurements for meditation, except for 2 things that are unverisal for everyone: quiet settings with no interuptions and a realxed mind. Meditation is a very spiritual activity. No matter what relgious background you have, meditation will suit all faiths as a way to enhance prayer. It's physical and mental benifits have been proven throught time. Try It!

Meditation Excercises

These are a series of excercises to help you meditate. I use these for days that have been extremely stressful to help clear my mind and prepare myself for meditation or astral travel.
'I AM' exercise
This exercise is to get you into pure observation mode. If done correctly, you should be able to slip into a meditative state which in turn, can lead you to astral projection. In this exercise, instead of clearing your head it allows you to drift with your thoughts as a bystander. See something in yur head? Go with it and look at it. When you are done, say the next series of chants. Repeat until you have slipped into meditative state.
Lie down in a comfortable, dimly light or dark place with you back staright and arms at your sides. Close your eyes and say to yourself:
I is me

Allow yourself to become detached form your mind and 'look' at your thoughts. Focusing is not a big part of this. When the thought has passed go to the next chant:
I Am
I see clouds (or whatever is running through your head)

If you begin to feel emotions or tension in your body mentally let yourself know. Example:
If your foot aches from work say to chant to yourself:
My foot aches
You would do the same for an emotion. This recognition usuaully makes the feeling pass. You can then continue with more chant:
I See Me (or whatever else you see in your head or thought you are having)

Try making your own chant! The point here is self awareness through observation. You can make a thousand variations based on what works for you.

Astral Projection aka Out of Body Experience

What is Astral Travel? I simply see it as releasing the soul from the body for a short duration of time into astral plane. Many people find it very easy to do, others don't. Atstral travel is probally best experienced before bed. Many of us have been in the state between awake and dreaming before. (If you have, then you are one step closer to astral projection!)

Psychic Chat Channels On The Undernet- a page full of great pyschic devlopment resources, classes online, and free readings weekly
Psychic Protection-A list of Psychic Abilities defined
NOKOMIS a dream site with symbol interpretation
Native Peoples Religion and Spirtuality

Mind, Body and Spirit Buy some helpful books on this subject and help support this site!!!


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