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Reccomened Reading

This section will be filled by books that have helped me fill these web pages and my mind with my views on life. Not only were they informative but they were written well enough to hold my attention for long periods of time. (I find it hard, sometimes impossible, to read dry non-fiction) This site will serve a dual role- One as a just a regular reading list and two as a bibliography. (Just attach the number here to the number in the text!)

1) The Holographic Universe Michael Talbot, 1991 HarperPerennial

2) The Dream Directory David C. Loft, 1998 Courage Books

3) Scottish Witchcraft Raymond Buckland, 1995 Llewellyn Publications

4) Legends of the Egyptian Gods E.A. Wallis Budge, 1912 Dover Publications, Inc.

5) Enochian Magic for Beginners Donald Tyson, 1997 Llewellyn Publications

6) Psyber Magick Peter J. Carrol, 1997 New Falcon Publications

7) The Giza Power Plant Christopher Dunn, 1998 Bear & Company Publishing

8) To Ride a Silver Broomstick, 1998 Llewellyn Publications

9) The Magicians Companion (A practical and encyclopedic guide to magical and religious symbolism)Bill Whitcomb, 1998 Llwewllyn Publications

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