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Short Stories

* "The Deer Hunter" by Eya Mani
* "Gordy Strikes Back" by David Whitman
* "Oil Rig Fire" by Bernard Bloomaart
* "Remembering Angie" by Scott Shipp
* "Whose to Say?" by Dave Birns


* "Always" by Ricky Galahad
* "Chagall Painted My Heart" by Salvatore Buttaci
* "Circles" by Eya Mani
* "The Engagement" by David Ritchie
* "Clinton and Lewinsky: A Parody of Annabelle Lee" by Crystal Milota
* "The Start of Me" by Margaret Mason


* "The Price" by Gadbuddhaa
* "Black Panther Silhouette" by Rebecca
* "Untitled" by Kellie Kroplinski
* "Agoraphobic Future Man" by Ed Flynn
* "Woodland Floor" by Matt Nicholas


* "Much Ado About Clinton" by Laurie Corzett
* "Globalize Your Business" by Marcela Heaton


* "It's Not as Bad as it Seems" by Unknown
* "School Causes Cancer" humor by Crystal Milota

Embarassing Moments

* "In or Out?" by Beth Skinner



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