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Short Stories

* "Friends" by Dave Birns
* "Appointment" by Robert Baron
* "The Last of Chuckles" by Gene-Michael Higney
* "The Plaza" by Allison Torres
* "Deadly Good Will" by Russell Beckley
* "Camping is Not What It Used to Be" by Allen Rolf
* "For Evil to Triumph" by Mel Goldberg


* "Sweet Dreams" by Ricky Galahad
* "My Tears Lacked the Strength" by Dave Birns
* "Prinn Island" by Dave Birns
* "Dream On" by Michael Suib
* "Capitalism" by Laurie Corzett
* "Invisible" by Tim Nekritz
* "Judgement Memories Resurfaced" by Margaret Mason
* "The Rain" by Christina Hazelwood


* "Endures" by Gadbuddha
* "The Fox and the Cheese" by Rebecca


* "Sane Solutions to War on Drugs Madness" by Laurie Corzett
* "Why 'I Do?'" by Candice Livingston
* "The Dangers of Tradition" by Clay Sikes


* "A Queer Legacy" by Viki Reed



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