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Short Stories

* "Thoughts From the 2nd Floor" by Dmitri Arbacauskas
* "Dead Aim" by Bryan Follins
* "A Righteous Man" by Charles Langly
* "The Creature at Marble Marsh" by Philip Loyd


* "Dreams" by Lorrie Sterling
* "Amusement" by Mike Potts
* "Fly" by Courtney Johnston
* "The Promise of a Rainbow" by Marjorie Musilli
* "The Man and the Great Child of Namaqualand" by Allison Parker
* "Brother" by Linda Etheridge
* "Beauty" by Rick Thompson
* "Something Special" by Ricky Galahad
* "Adamic Love" by Sun Falcon


* "The Offer" by Gadbuddhaa
* "Politics/Religion" by Eric McNew


* "Rules for Surviving Gen X" by Anthonia Akitunde
* "Strictly My Opinion--and Yours" by Paula Lewis


* "Kudos" by Shane Mayer



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