"Crystal Ball Gazing"
Cristina Friar

It has been said that crystals carry a tremendous amount of power, particularly in the realm of divination. It should be noted, however, that the crystal does not have power in and of itself, but is a tool to stimulate natural psychic abilities and assists in reaching into the subconscious mind which brings forth the answers to most questions.

For centuries the Gypsies have used the crystal ball as a major tool of divination. When people think of gypsy fortune-tellers they envision a colorfully dressed woman gazing into a crystal ball. The gypsies have also been known to use a clear glass object and even a bowl of water (like the famed Nostradumus who made his predictions by gazing into a large bowl filled with clear water).

If you have a strong desire to read a crystal ball , then you probably can. But it requires patience and a lot of practice. You must first realize that the crystal ball is only a tool of meditation and that the magic of the crystal is within you, not the object itself. Therefore it is very important to begin "crystal gazing" in a quiet room where you know you will not be disturbed and where you can become "in-tune" with yourself.

You may use a crystal ball, a magnifying glass or even a glass of clear water to receive images and reach the doors of or the filing cabinet of your subconscious mind. This is where many "hidden" mysteries reside; however the goal is to reach your third eye - your light of being - the seat of your soul. This cleansing of the mind is what permits you to receive messages and images that would help the "seeker."

Use a black or dark navy blue cloth to place your crystal object on so that there will be few or no distractions. (dark purple cloths work well too). Now the secret is to "gaze" at the crystal, don’t stare, just gaze. Breathe deeply exhaling and inhaling. Don’t try to picture an image into the crystal just look into it and let it happen naturally.

The room should have a bit of light and incense burning somewhere near. A couple of simple white candles should provide enough light for your gazing, or a soft light. The incense doesn’t really matter as long as it smells good to you and makes you feel comfortable. However the following is a suggested recipe for a divination incense to use while crystal gazing:

This is an all-purpose formula, to be burned while reading tarot cards, using the crystal, meditating, etc. It is composed of:

Gum Mastic
Sandalwood oil

On a Wednesday, during the waxing moon, take equal parts of the powdered herbs, mix well, and moisten with a few drops of the sandalwood oil - (jasmine oil works well too). If the Gum Mastic or Patchouli are unavailable, use clove and nutmeg.) Mix until all particles are moistened, crumbly but not soggy. Let stand overnight, then pack in jar, leaving the cork or lid slightly loose.

It is not necessary to use the above recipe, just suggested. The main idea is to create a comfortable and nice smelling environment for you crystal gazing.

Crystal gazing does take some time to master. You must be consistent and work to develop your gazing skill. The first few weeks you may experience disappointment with no results. But don’t give up! It will happen suddenly and unexpectedly. Don’t gaze at the crystal ball for too long! You’ll burn out quickly and are more likely to give up. I recommend you gaze the first week for 5 minutes and the second week for 10 minutes. Don’t keep up the gazing for too long at any one session. I recommend you do not exceed 15 minutes.

Daily meditation also aids in the development of crystal gazing. And believe it or not, becoming involved in a creative project such as gardening, handiwork and other crafts also helps clear the mind. Deep breathing exercises are a must when doing any type of divination. Inhaling and exhaling before gazing or reading cards or dice is very important.

Once you become comfortable with crystal gazing, the unexpected will happen. You will start to see a white smoke or clouds and then a picture. This picture is usually symbolic in nature, but interpretation will come easily to you. You will know immediately what the vision is and it’s divinatory meaning.

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