"In or Out?"
Beth Skinner

My first day of college I thought I was so slick. I even remember exactly what I was wearing - a black polo shirt, pink and black bermuda shorts, and my brand new neon pink backpack. I shudder now when I think about how I must have looked. I figured I was a freshman in college, which had to make me one of the coolest people on earth. My first class was psychology and after that I headed to French class, which was in a different building. The doors in this particular building were automatic doors. I don't know what I was thinking, but I stood in front of the "out" door and wondered why it wouldn't open. I decided it was broken and that I was going to have to pull it open. I hunkered down, wedged my fingers into the crack of the door, and pulled and tugged with everything I had. Keep in mind I weigh about 100 lbs., so even throwing all my weight into it didn't have much of an impact. People began to gather and watch me as I yanked on this door - while other people were busy walking in the "in" door. I managed to get the "out" door open a little bit and squeezed myself, and my backpack through the crack. I couldn't figure out why people were standing there staring at me, and more importantly why didn't they help? It wasn't until several days
later that I figured out I had been forcing open the out door. That was many years ago and to this day, every time I think about it I turn red. I imagine I gave people a good story to share with their friends and family that night.

Brain Candy E-Zine has no rights to this story.  The rights belong to the author.

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