"School Causes Cancer" & "School is a Jail"
Crystal Milota


New Proven Statistics Tell Us That School Causes Cancer!

Here are the facts:

1 The nasty unkept showers and bathroom facilities no doubt cause disease which may lead to cancer.
2 Anyone who has ever had cancer has probably been to school.
3 School causes stress and stress causes some forms of cancer.
4 Not even the scientific labs can tell what the school food is made out of and that could very well cause canceralso.

In conclusion, School Causes Cancer! Duh!

Other Statistics From The Same Science Lab Tell Us That School is a Jail!

Here are some more facts:

1 There is a law that says we have to go to school.
2 If we skip school, then we either get arrested by the cops, or we get some form of a ticket or warning
3 We probably have the same school lunch that the adult criminals ate last week.
4 There are bars on the classroom doors. They say its for fire protection, but we know what they are really for.
5 The adults herd up all the kids and stick us in a classroom.

I have made two conclusions out of this study.

1 School is just a place where they stuff juvinials and children so the parents don't have to put up with them
2 School is a place for the dumb and everyday we are wrongly accused of being stupid.

These statistics were proven by the Crystal Milota Science Labs. We do test on animals but just the really cute and fluffy ones.

(This Humor article is purely fictional and just for your entertainment!)

Brain Candy E-Zine has no rights to this story.  The rights belong to the author.

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