"Rules for Surviving Generation X"
Anthonia Akitunde

Life as a teenage girl is hard enough as it is in my humble opinion.

So why do we get bombarded constantly with messages that says

‘ Hey if you want to be considered beautiful by anyone in this lifetime, you have to buy this magazine, think this way, buy these beauty supplies, oh yeah, and give us your soul so you won’t be able to think for yourself ever again ‘.

So, what can we free-spirited All-American girls of America do to save us from the Brittney Spears wannabes and Barbie Doll "role models" of this great country?

Well, there are a few possibilities that can help you in this oncoming invasion.

Number 1: Never ever come close to a magazine whose headlines scream out " What your Bra size says About You!" or " How to get that boy out of your Dreams and Into Your Arms!"

Why you might be asking? Well these headlines can actually make you believe that what type of Makeup you wear will help you get any guy within 5 miles in your direction. If you believe in yourself, that is all you need. Not some magazine to tell you how to believe in yourself. Unless you are very, very self-conscious I seriously advise you to stay far away from these kinds of magazines.

Number 2: Never buy clothes that are considered "trendy" or "stylish".

Sure. I’m a big fan of clothes. You need them to stay warm in the winter. You need them to keep you from getting arrested from running around naked in the summer. But please don’t fall subject to the " hottest trends " that are seen on TV and magazines. I’ve seen some of the stuff and personally, nobody dresses like that in real life. Except for a select few who will go unnamed for the sake of not being exposed and talked about.

You’ll buy the newest, clothes and then later they are so like last 5 minutes ago. (OK, that was wrong, not everyone who follows trends talks like that… its comedy people!). So… buy clothes that you like. That WILL actually last more than 5 to 10 minutes.


Number 3: Don’t let what people say to you affect you at all.

Sure, this is easier said than done. I know that I am very sensitive and get really quiet when I hear people talk about me. But, actually believing what people say about you can really mess up your head. No sarcasm here. Just the plain truth. Because when you start believing what people say… take my advice. You’ll feel like fungus. And no one deserves to feel like that. It’ll just give you more and more insecurities.

Number 4: Write out all of your emotions.

It is better to write out what you’re feeling than take your actions out in a negative way. Writing helps release all of the tension of the day… what you’re feeling. Keep a journal. It’s the best way to ease stress.

Number 5: Never go out with anyone who makes you feel unworthy of him… like he’s doing you a favor by going out with you.

You deserve someone who is nice and caring of your own emotions. Not some guy who makes you feel like you will never have anyone in your life besides him. These feelings can lead to having an abusive relationship… verbal and physical.

And the most important rule of the day children:

Number 6: Don’t let stereotypes stop you from anything that YOU want to do.

Enough said right there.

So…these are the ways I’m getting through this invasion. You can do what I do, or you can follow what you want to do. But remember, you have been warned.


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