Steph's Meeting With The BsB!
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Steph's Meeting With The BsB!

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Hey Everybody! It's Steph again, i'm here to write my metting with the bsb (yeah, i finalyy got to meet them!) so let me get started: On friday, July 19, me and my family were coming back from a met game (hey, i don't like them mets, but they were free tickets!) and i was listening to Z100, a very popular radio station in NY. well, the announcer know how radio stations have that one guy or girl that talks about everything, they sorta sound like a computer, well, he started saying, Meet the Backstreet Boys at Chelsea peirs on Monday with the Zmorning Zoo, well, i flipped, i started screaming! and at first my dad was gonna take me....but, instead....he decided he'd rather, all day sunday...i cried.....and cried...until later that night, when my mom said she'd take, my friend, donna, slept over and at 4:30am, we were awake and getting ready for hour 1 hr car ride.well, normally its an hour, but, nyc and long island traffic is horribly so when we left at 5:30am, we shoulda been there by 6:30, but, we didn't end up getting there till 7:30am (we got lost!)...well, we got there and they were in the middle of the on air, we watched, tehn we scrambled to get on line to get our posters friends ariella, veronica, and marissa were there, but i wasn't supposed to be there, so, we all freaked....when i got my poster singed by them, i didn't say much....i had my UCF sweatshirt on,a nd brian sad something about his friends to me, and i just stood there like a dumbbutt(credit to veronica, ariella and marissa for the word!)....i went out side to get t-shirts, but they weren't giving them out yet, so i decided to stand behind the 5 patio cahirs...i wanted to sit in them. but i did....then, kevin comes over and was like:" we are gonna take a picture with you guys!" so, there i was, getting pushed and almost fell on howie, which, i can't say i wouldn't have minded!..hee hee...if you get the BRAVO magazine, look for the red head in the grey sweatshirt, behind, and almost on howie..thats me!!!!...hee hee....afterwards, everyone followed them to their limo, but i decided not to, i wanted a te-shirt, so i was one of the first to get was the best day of my life so far!..i can't wait til the september 30th concert i am going too! ~STEPH
