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I have created this page in tribute to my gentle protector. My dog, Cachuma. she came into our lives at the age of one month old. Even then i could see the look of wisdom in her eyes.She grew from a fragile baby into a strong and powerful yet gentle dog.

Growing up she encountered playmates of all sizes and species. including hamsters, rabbits, cats and babies. Treating them with tendeness as if they were her own.

She and I spent most of our time together. Since the age of thirteen she has been not only my baby, but also my best friend and confidant. Guiding me through life's hardships giving me a strong shoulder to lean on, and sharing its joy at a high school football game or anywhere else i went.

Always eagar to please and willing to learn she knew many things. Some were taught and others were pure instinct. she would help me to get around by either pulling my wheelchair or supporting me as i held onto her back.
At times i think she didnt know she was a dog she would join in conversations with a barking howl....expressing her opinion whenever she felt the desire.

Throughout her ten years she has met and touched the lives of many people. Teaching them that not all members of her breed (Pit Bulls) are to be feared. There are many other gentle protectors.


I wrote an article about Cachuma a year after she passed away. It was meant to be published in Canadian newsletter for an APBT club, and also to be used as positive press for the breed. Unfortunately, it was never published. After much soul-searching, i have decided to publish it here. It helps others to better understand our bond, and also keeps her legacy alive. I hope you enjoy it.