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Here's Chapter Four !!!

Hanson Story

Chapter4:Worried Parents

Back in Chicago,Emily's Parents were worried."Why can't we find Emily anywhere"?Mrs. Henson asked."I don't know",said Mr. Henson,in a worried voice.Thinking that she might have riden her bike to Toronto to see the Hanson concert,they called the Toronto mall.After they had explained to the mall manager what Emily looked like,The manager said he saw her getting into Hanson's van."Do you know where they were headed to"?Mrs. Henson asked. "Chicago,I think",the manager answered."Thank you very much",said Mrs. Henson,hanging up the phone.After Mrs. Henson explained to her husband what had happened,Mr.Henson said,"She'll Probably be back tommorow night". Both Parents gave a sigh of relief.

Ike,Tay,Zac and Emily,had stopped to eat at a diner."Emily,you look worried, is something wrong"?asked Tay."It's just that my parents might be worried, they don't know I rode my bike all the way to Toronto"!"The're gonna kill me"!"Don't worry,they won't be that mad",replied Tay."Yeah",added Zac,"and we'll do the explaining for ya"!"Thanks guys"!Emily replied.They went to a hotel and drove more the next day.

Chapter Five
