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Angel Corner 2

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Angels are ever all around us
And with His Love they do surround us,
when my heart is sore in need.
The Angels come my soul to feed.
They come to me from above
and sing whispers o His Love.
When in my heart I feel a Tug
I know that it is a Angel's HUG

*Angels Abide*

"Angels Come with me abide,
Be now present by my side,
Grant me wisdom from above,
Bring me knowledge filled with Love"


If you listen to your heart,
You may be listening to an Angel..

Angels, angel up above
Protecting the ones in which we Love
Angels, angel, way up there,
with cloudy wings and golden hair
Angels, angel, with your golden ring,
love is always what you bring
Angels, angel, way up high
its time to say

Angels come from up above,
to show us God's eternal love.
They keep each of us safe from harm
They surround us with open arms,
They will calm each of our fears,
Have you ever thought you heard,
And Angel's soft and gentle words?
Angels come from up above,
To show us God's eternal Love.

By: Allison Jenkins-

Questions Answered

How do you decribe a rainbow,
That blossoms in the palm of your hand,
How do you grasp eterinty,
From a single grain of sand,
How do you tell if an angel,
Has kissed you while walkign by,
How is it that all are searching,
for the harmony that dwells within,
How can we follow our father,
When our thoughts are awash wth sin,
How can we possibly measure,
The trust of our fathers love,
How can we ever attain,
The worthiness to rise above,
The questions are easily answered,
They were there from the very start,
Fro the moment of your being,
God resides in your heart !

~Author unknown~

girls2angelsGod gave me a great treasure of immense and untold worth.
And brought a touch of Heaven to my lifetime here on earth,
For he sent me someone wonderful, an angel from above,
When he blessed me with th gift of you-
my friend, my joy, my love.....

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*List To Winners Of My Award* *Connie's Page Of Angel Links*
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*Banner links pg 2* *WebRings* *Connie's Page Of Angel Links*
*Why A Mother Cry's* *Family Memories* Butterfly Kisses
*Connie's Country Home* *Mother Taught Me*
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