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The baby. . . . . .

. . .is now a Lady!!!


          Infinite thanks go to Ireland Dalida and my kuya Elcyd, my editors. Compiling and Editing my homepage has been a major job. I've been fortunate to have a wonderful guys collaborating with me to make this the coolest homepage ever, without the efforts of these two guys, this homepage would never have happened.

          Thank you also to all my friends, you've given me terrific support and encouragement.

          Achieving your dreams takes time, dedication, and a strong belief in yourself........... and if they can do it, so can you!

- Mary Cydel Adriatico Mallari


My Wonderful friends

from left to right, clockwise:
Pix A. Janet, Therese, Sharlene, Mary Ann, Ruby, Kay, & Cynthia
Pix B. Kay and Janet
Pix C. John Fidel
Pix D. Ulyse, Dahlia, Celeste, Claire, and Ruby

from left to right, clockwise:
Pix A. Ireland
Pix B. Ruby and Mary Ann
Pix C. Ringo, Cynthia, Lovelyn, Reynald, Kate, Sheila, and Kim
Pix D. Sharlene and Ruby

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