Budget Recipes
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Budget Recipes

Yield: 7 Servings

2 lb Ground turkey
1 tb Worchestershire Sauce
1 ea Large Egg
1 tb Chopped parsley
1 ea Large onion
1 tb Ground thyme
2 c Bread crumbs; fine/hard
1 x Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 c Mushrooms; chopped
1 x Milk or poultry stock

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In mixing bowl, combine turkey with
egg. EGG. Saute onions in non-stick skillet until limp. Add to turkey
mixture along with the bread crumbs, mushrooms, worchestershire sauce,
parsley, thyme, salt, and pepper. Blend well.
The fat and moisture content of ground turkey can vary. If the
mixture is dry, moisten with milk or broth as needed. Place in a
non-stick or lightly oiled loaf pan. Top loaf with a piece of
lightly oiled wax paper, and cover pan with foil. Place loaf pan in a
larger pan with boiling water to about 1/2" deep. Bake at 400 degrees
for ten minutes; reduce heat to 350 and continue baking for one hour
more or until firm. Remove loaf from pan; let stand for 10 minutes
before unmolding. Slice and serve plain, or if desired, with a fresh
tomato sauce or mushroom gravy.

Cheap Cheap Chili
Yield: 4 Servings

3/4 lb Ground raw turkey
1 ea Onion; chopped
1 ea Bell pepper; chopped
2 c Red beans; can, undrained
6 oz Tomato paste
1/4 c Water
1 x Pepper & salt or garlic salt
2 ts Or 3 t chili powder
1 ea Garlic clove; minced, opt
1 x Dried oregano; opt
1 x Cumin seed; opt

Defrost ground turkey, if frozen. Spray a large non-stick skillet
with cooking spray for no-fat frying. Spread th turkey meat in a
shallow layer. Brown the meat over moderate heat; break into chunks
and turn to brown evenly. Stir in remaining ingredients. Cover and
simmer 45 minutes. Uncover and continue to simmer until thick. The
Tampa Tribune, Feb. 1993.

Nacho Chicken Casserole *
Yield: 2 Servings

2 c Plain tortilla chips; crush
2 c Chicken; cooked, diced
2 c Cream of mushroom soup
1 c Cheddar cheese; shredded
1 c Salsa

Line bottom of casserole with crushed tortilla chips. Mix remaining
ingredients, except cheese, and cover chips. Top with cheese. Bake at
350~ until cheese is bubbly. Can also heat in microwave. Serve with
spicy salsa.

Potato and Brown Rice Burgers
Yield: 4 Servings

2 ea Large potato
-peeled and diced
1/4 c Dry bread crumbs
1 c Cooked brown rice
3 tb Parmesan cheese
1/2 ea Onion; minced
2 ts Soy sauce or tamari
2 tb Chopped parsley

Prepare grill. Cook potato in water over medium heat until
tender. Meanwhile, combine remaining ingredients in medium bowl.
Drain potato and mash with a fork or masher. Add to bowl. Mix well
and form into 4 thin patties. Grill 4-5 minutes on each side until
lightly browned. Vegan & very inexpensive.

Gone All Day Stew
Yield: 8 Servings

1 cn Tomato Soup 10 oz(undulated)
1 c Water (or red wine
1/4 c Flour
2 lb Beef (cut in 1" chunks)
3 md Carrots (cut in 1" chunks)
6 ea Onions (quartered)
4 ea Potaooes (medium 1" chunks)
1/2 c Celery (1" chunks)
2 ea Boullion cubes
1 tb Italian herb seasoning
1 ea Bay leaf
3 ds Fresh pepper

Mix together tomato soup, water/wine and flour until smooth; combine
with renaining ingredients in covered roasting pan. Bake at 275
degrees for 4-5 hours. When ready to serve, adjust seasoning, if
desired. Coleslaw is a nice winter accompaniment or serve fresh
tomatoes on a bed of lettuce in summer.
NOTE: Instead of Italian herb seasoning you may substitute 1 t each
leaf oregano, thyme, rosemary.

African Spinach & Peanut Butter Stew
Yield: 6 Servings

2 Onions
2 Tomatoes (peeled or tinned)
2 lb Spinach
4 tb Peanut butter (not sweet!)
Oil for frying

Slice the onions and fry in oil until soft. Peel the tomatoes in
boiling water (or use tinned tomatoes). Slice and add to the onions.
Wash, trim and chop the spinach coarsely. Add to the stew and cook,
covered, over a medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring to prevent
Thin the peanut butter with hot water to make a smooth paste. Add to
the stew. Season with salt and pepper and cook for another 5 - 10
minutes, stirring and adding water if necessary to prevent sticking.

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