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This site is dedicated to providing resources to anyone thinking about quitting
and to supporting Ex-Smokers

It's not always easy to keep quit, but it's always right and always rewarding.

I've only got links here at the moment, but please check back - I have plans to improve it

Where to Get Quit Motivation & Knowledge

This site does it all: Motivation/Education/Support
The support part might be a little strict for some with their "no relapse allowed" rule(quitting after-all is a learning process - few get it right the first time or two) Quitnet might be a better venue for online peer support. Still - the site offers tons of incredible information on smoking and how to quit. From real life stories to inspiring essays - spend some time here, and you can't help but build some motivation.

This site is Tobacco Info Central!
Tobacco current news & events, history, industry information, special features, and more. Be sure to check out the "Quotes" section - it can be both amusing & enlightening. For the seasoned smoker pondering the notion of quitting - this site gives hard facts (no emotional pleas or zealot propaganda - which turn most committed smoker's off before the message can even be properly presented).

Here is an interesting web-site. Kind of like meets the X-Files....
Their mission: To expose the Tobacco Industry (suprise!).
No quit tips, but lots of motivation building insight into the shadowy world of the tobacco giants. The site is really "cool" (for lack of a better word) - the designers did a great job in presenting their content - drop in - even if it's just to see what can be accomplished on the web (I was impressed).

FFS offers an online smoking cessation course, plenty of resources and help files - as well as online peer support in the form of message boards. I enjoy Mary Ella's weekly message.
It's all, amazingly, free - so check it out!

Sponsored by The Foundation For A Smoke-Free America
Well done site offering Information and Motivation for adults & Youth. Be sure to check out their
RESOURCES section (great stuff there!) This group also does a Youth specific site called

This is a slick site from Australia that does not beat around the bush!
Cigarettes kill, and these guys put all the facts IN YOUR FACE. More power to 'em!
Got friends who need to see the light? Send them over here for a visit!

Committed Quitters Online (patch)

This site was created by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The site has lots of resources. There is a Quit Wizard that helps new quitters plan a successful quit - really well done tool. There are articles written my M.D's and downloadable materials you can print. There is even a section that helps non-smokers help their smoking loved one's quit. There's a whole lot more - go and check it out.

Here is a site from the UK that is interactive and kind of fun to hang out in. My favorite part is the "Help! I Need A Cigarette Now" button. There are polls, email lists you can join, and a variety of well written articles about most aspects of the quitting process.

This is a pay site. They say 25 cents per day (that's about $8 per month) I've not been a member, but the tour and site itself look very professional. I membership would be a nice gift to give a smoker!

Places That Will Help You Build Your Support Network
Having support of family and friends is very important in the quitting process. Having Peer support (others who are quit) is a huge benefit. There are many online communities you can join to communicate with folks in the process of quitting. Dive in - it's a good way to gain motivation, get peer support, and even make some friends!

Extremely popular online community.
Basic membership is free - and really all you need, but you can upgrade
to have premium features included for a monthly fee.

KeepTheQuit club is part of the MSN community. It's an online community of ex-smokers operating primarily from a message board.



Whether you are thinking about quitting, just quit, or have been quit for 5 years - everyone has a quit story to tell. Hearing about other's experiences is an inspiration for everyone. Please share yours in the Guestbook.

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