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Dragonball was the anime series that started all the Dragonball series. Most of my knowledge of this saga was attained from watching the first few episodes of the series. (Dragonball aired in New York last year on Saturdays, but had bad ratings because it aired at 5:30 in the morning! In fact, the show had such bad ratings that the station skipped the rest of the series after showing season #1.) (The truth is that Dragonball was bought by Dic. Dic wanted to test Dragonball in the states first before buying the rights to air Dragonball Z. However, their efforts failed. Saban, meanwhile, went straight to buying the rights to air Dragonball Z because they knew it would be a success.) Dragonball was a show geared more for young kids than teenagers. There is more humor than fighting in Dragonball. Without Dragonball, Dragonball Z would have never been created. Nonetheless, Dragonball is important to all Dragonball Z fans.

Dragonball tells about the adventures that Gokou has growing up. Dragonball starts off as Gokou (a kid) meets Bulma, Oonlong, Yamcha, Master Roshi, Chi-Chi, and the Ox King. Then, they gather the Dragonballs and battle Pilaf. After the Pilaf Series, Gokou competes in a martial arts contest. At this series, Gokou meets Klilyn, Chaou, and Tenshin-han. After this series, Gokou moves on to the Android Series. Here, he meets Dr. Gero (later known as Red Ribbon or Android #20). Dr. Gero, planning to destroy Gokou, unleashes Android #8. However, Gokou ends up be-friending the robot. Last but not least, is the Piccolo Series. Here, Gokou is a young adult who has to defend the world from Piccolo. After the famous battle, Piccolo is defeated. Rather than destroying the demon, Gokou spares his life. (This battle is what led Dragonball to success. It was in the Piccolo Series that the violence of Dragonball Z began!) At the end, Gokou marries Chi-Chi...

Movies: Dragonball movies basically tell what happened in the series, but in a shortened and different storyline. There are currently three Dragonball movies. Movie 1 tells about how Gokou meets the cast and the fight against an evil village king. Movie 2 tells about the battle against Lufia. Movie 3 tells about the battle against Tao Pai-Pai. Movie 4 is a remake of Movie 1 to celebrate Dragonball's 10th anniversary and tells about the battle against Red Ribbon.

Dragonball Z

Dragonball Z is the continuation of the Dragonball series. It was produced a few years after the last Dragonball episode, but unlike Dragonball, Dragonball Z has a different plot. While Dragonball is geared at entertaining little kids through its comedic scenes, Dragonball Z, still famous after its last episode, is geared towards older kids, mainly teenagers, through its exciting battles and plot. The Dragonball Z series is divided into four volumes in its long timeline. In each volume, our heroes spent episode after episode after episode battling the same villian... So how did this series become so popular? I don't know. It just got more and more interesting. Maybe it was because of the increased violence. Well, whatever the reason is, the plot was good and interesting, and Dragonball Z was a success!

Below: are the guildlines I made for Dragonball Z. Read and learn what happens in Dragonball Z. Enjoy!

  • .TO THE FIRST SERIES(BARDOCKSERIES)Lonely Final Battle (Bardock Story) (Updated: 8-12-97)
  • .The Vegeta Series (Updated: 8-12-97)
  • .The Freeza Series (Updated: 8-12-97)
  • .The Cell Series (Updated: 8-12-97)
  • .The Boo Series (Updated: 8-12-97)
  • Movies (Updated: 9-13-97)
  • Go to the Dragonball Manga Chapter Summaries for more detailed summaries.
  • Movies: During the time of Dragonball Z, 13 movies have been released. (Read the summaries I made above!) In addition, there are 2 TV specials (Bardock Story and Trunks Story), and 1 OVA TV special based on a RPG game.

    Products: If ou are fond of visiting anime stores, you will know that a ton of Dragonball Z stuff has been released. There are 24 action figures from Bandai, a few Dragonball Z decks of playing cards, 42 magna comic books, thousands of collectable cards, a bunch of scrolls and posters, and tons of other miscellaneous stuff.

    New: America's first season of English dubbed Dragonball Z is over, but the Freeza Series will air this fall. In addition, FUNimation has agreed to air Dragonball Z for one full HOUR this fall starting on Semptember 14, 1997(although this will only cover half the Freeza Series)! Dragonball Z Movie 3 will also air towards the end of November. Unfortunately, those who watch Dragonball Z on YTV have to wake up at 2:00AM every Saturday to watch it!

    New: Pioneer has just released the first English dubbed version of Dragonball Z. Check your local toys stores for The Arrival!

    After Trunks fulfilled his mission and saved his time, his time machine was no longer needed and upgraded to a homepage surfer. Journey with Trunks to: -------------------------------------> ---Broley's Dragon Ball Z Homepage-- Capsule Corporation Headquarters-- Doe's DragonBall Z Page-- Dragonball Galaxy-- DragonBall Heaven-- Dragonball Page-- Dragonball Z-- Dragon World-- Goccu's Ultimate DBZ Page-- Gogeta's Homepage-- Gogeta's Homepage-- Gokou's Homepage-- Gokou's Land-- Goten's Homepage-- Gotenk's Forces Home Page-- Jubie's Dragon Ball-- JWangSDC's DBZ Homepage-- Master Roshi Dragon Ball Z Domain-- Mirai's World-- Mirai-kun's Shrine-- NewVegeta3-- Pagina Dragon Ball do Son Goku-- Paozu Yama Homepage-- Phil's Dragonball Z Page-- Piccolo's Homepage-- Piccolo's Homepage-- Raditz's Homepage-- Saiya-jin's Pride Page-- Son Gohan's Homepage-- Son Gokou's Homepage-- Son Goten's Page Dragonball Z-- Toriyama's Masterpiece-- Trunk's Domain-- Wuken's Homepage--->

    Any missing links or broken links? Notify me if there are any and I will gladly make the changes! (If you would like me to add your link, please include the URL address of your page as well as the name of your page.)

    Dragonball GT
  • The Akira Toriyama Storage Dump
  • C-Mann's Dragonball GT Homepage
  • Dragonball GT Picture Page
  • Dragon Ball GT Revew
  • Dragonball GT Philippines Homepage
  • Dragonball World Unofficial Fan Page
  • Malesite678's Dragonball GT Homepage
  • Toei Television- GT Summaries (in Japanese- requires Japanese word viewer)

    Because of the success of Dragonball Z, it was decided that this hit series must continue. However, it has upset many viewers because Dragonball GT is was headed by someone besides Akira Toriyama, the header of Dragonball Z. This series got its name (GT) from the words "Grand Tour" because at the beginning, Gokou, Trunks, and Pan journey, or tour, through space in search of the Black Star Dragonballs in hope to wish Gokou back to his normal self. But, the theme later changes to make the series more interesting. It's a shame that Dragonball GT is not shown in America! But, Dragonball GT is shown every Wednesday from 7:00- 7:30PM in Tokyo, Japan! (A brief summary of what happens is below:)

    Main events in Dragonball GT: (Click on the names to view the images of how the characters look like in their forms described.)
    Season #1 of Dragonball GT:

  • See the Baby Series (Updated: 8-12-97).

  • Season #2 of Dragonball GT:
  • In hell, Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu create Android Artificial 17 and open a gate portal in hell to escape to Earth. Artificial 17 seeks and fuses with Android 17 to become Super 17! Gokou is tricked into hell and fights the upgraded Freeza and Cell.
  • Gokou defeats Freeza and Cell and returns to Earth with help from the dead Piccolo and Dende. Super 17 is killed, but so are Android 18 and Klilyn.
  • Gokou learns that the Dragonballs are cracking due to negative energy stored in the balls when certain wishes were made. An evil Shenlong appears out of the dragonballs and transforms into seven evil dragons with a reputation for destruction.
  • Gokou and Pan first encounter Ryan-Shenlong, who was born and stored in the 2 star dragonball when Bora was wished back. This dragon of water (pollution) was killed when Gokou and Pan attacked it after it was weakened by clean water.
  • Next, we meet Uu-Shenlong, who was born and stored in the 5 star dragonball when Gokou was wished back after the fight against Raditz. This dragon of electricity was killed after Gokou attacked it after it was weakened by rain.
  • Third, Gokou and Pan fight Ryuu-Shenlong, who was born and stored in the 6 star dragonball when Oolong wished for panties in the first Dragonball series. This dragon of hurricanes was killed after getting attacked on the head.
  • Fourth, Chii-Shenlong, who was born and stored in the 7 star dragonball when Bulma wished back the people killed by Vegeta when he was under the control of Babi-di, encounters Gokou and Pan and uses a surprise technique to trap Pan in its body. Pan is rescued and Chii-Shenlong is destroyed.
  • Suu-Shenlong of the 4 star dragonball is next to appear. This dragon is associated with the sun and was created when Piccolo was wished back to life.
  • San-Shenlong, Suu-Shenlong's brother, but of the 3 star dragonball, appears next. This dragon is associated with ice.
  • Ii-Shenlong is the last of the dragons to appear. This dragon is of the 1 star dragonball and is much harder to defeat!
  • If there is any other MAIN points of GT that I left out, please notify me and I will add the information to this section.

    Movies: Currently, there is one Dragonball GT TV special. This special (first aired 3-27-97) is about one of Gokou's descendants in a setting 100 years later. Toei plans to release a second TV special about Vegeta trying to reach Super level 4.

    New: Another Dragonball video game, Dragonball Final Bout, has been released in Japan this August. This game has 3-D graphics with characters from both Dragonball Z and Dragonball GT (along with 8 hidden characters). The English version of this game will be released this November. This is also the first Dragonball game that will be released to America.


    With all the popular Dragonball-Z-GT music CDs going around, I've decided to add this section devoted to Dragonball-Z-GT music. There are many sounds played in Dragonball-Z-GT, but I don't have the equipment needed to record them. But, worry not! There are plenty of Dragonball-Z-GT music files located at: Bone's Music, C-Mann's MP2 MusicBox!, JWangSDC's DBZ Music, Kakarott's Sound Gallery, Multimedia Files, Project Anime: Anime Music Archive, Son Goku's MPEG2 Page, and Wuken's Dragonball Listening Booth. Lyrics for the theme songs of Dragonball Z and Dragonball GT (translated in English) can be found here.

    If you go to Serpent's Homepage, you can find Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku, the opening song to Dragonball GT, (3.4 MB) and Hitorijana, the ending song to Dragonball GT (3.8 MB) in .mp3 format.

    Movie Clips

    I took the time and found some movie clips on the web. If you are interested, then visit: Axel Rocholl's Dragonball Z AVI's, Bone's Movies, Dragonball Z QT and MPEG Movies, FlaaB's Domain, Multimedia Files, Serpent's Anime Movies Collecton, and Son Gohan's Movie Archive. (The Dragonball clips on Serpent's Homepage are the Dragonball GT Opening (7.4 MB) and the Dragonball Opening (5.5 MB).)

    Emulated Games

    Believe it or not, Dragonball Z games exist in emulated ROMS. What is a ROM and what is emulation? Well, a ROM is equivalent to a game cartridge/CD played on a video game system, only it is converted into a computer file. This is called emulation. Programs that run these files are called emulators, and they are like the game systems that run the video games. Luckily, ROMS for Dragonball Z are downloadable on the web! Dragonball Z games available to you on the web include: Dragonball Z Fighting Story 1 (SNES, 1.004MB), Dragonball Z Fighting Story 2 (SNES, 1.315 MB), Dragonball Z Fighting Story 3 (SNES, 1.123 MB), Dragonball Z: The Legend of the Saiyans (SNES), Dragonball: Super Gokou Den 1 (SNES), Dragonball: Super Gokou Den 2 (SNES), Dragonball Z: Buu-Yuu Retsuden (Genesis), Dragonball Z: Gokou Hishouden (Gameboy). For more gaming info, visit KaiOhShin's Planet.

    Note: It is only legal to download these games if you own the game cartridge or CD. If you do not own the games, then please do not download them. If you find the Dragonball Z RPGs in the web, please e-mail me the URL address so that I can put a link to that page.


  • Bandai Headquarters- Check out this page for updates on toys and other projects by Bandai, including information on the upcoming Dragonball Z toys!
  • Bomberman Online- I know this has nothing to do with Dragonball, but I put this link up because it is so cool. This place allows you to play Bomberman online! (The best part is that it is FREE and requires no downloads.)
  • DragonBall Chat Room- No, this is not a link. I put this section up here to inform that there IS a chat room devoted to Dragonball-Z-GT, but to go there you need mIRC. To go there, start IRC and go to Server: 6667 Channel: #DB or #dragonballz
  • DragonBall Legends Ring- Dragonball-Z-GT web-ring. If you are an owner of a Dragonball-Z-GT web page, enter your page to this web-ring! Good luck!
  • DragonBall Mailing List- [DBZML] a mailing list devoted directly to Dragonball-Z-GT. Join to receive tons of e-mail on Dragonball-Z-GT.
  • Dragonball Web Club- another source to have tons of e-mail on Dragonball-Z-GT topics reach your house!
  • FUNimation Homepage- homepage of the company responsible for airing Dragonball and Dragonball Z on TV- includes a voting scale that lets you rate the series. (Vote 10!!!)
  • Imag-mation Anime Mail Order- I've received lots of mail asking on where to order anime stuff. Well, I finally found a location that sells these goods.
  • Masato's Anime-Manga-Launchbase- [MAML] supported page that links you to the best Anime-Web-Sites.


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