Chapter 7- Lacey and Sarah

Edith's Hanson Eclipse
77th Street


The Harrisons came over early the next morning.

"Hello,"Mrs Harrison greeted cheerily.

Why was she always so cheery? Taylor sure didn't know! He only knew that Madeline was here, and he wished she wasn't.

"Coffee?" Mrs Hanson asked.

"Oh no, Diana! It would only mess up your kitchen! Your plane leaves in three hours. Couldn't bother you!"

"Kids, go play," Mrs Hanson ordered.

Taylor looked uneasily at Madeline, but obeyed his mom.

Two Days Later

"More make-up over here!"

Taylor had had quite enough of the red haired woman doing his make-up. Really, he did not need all of the thick, itchy stuff. He sneezed as the puffy thing put more powder on his nose.

"Really, lady!" Taylor cried, far too exasperated to care about manners, " I don't need anymore!"

"Yes you do! Sit down and don't talk!"

15 minutes later, they began, Take One, lip synching MMMBop for Dick Clark.

10 Takes later, their day was over. Taylor went to the change room and tried to wash the goop off. He was doing this when Ike walked in.

"I have news!"


"I got us girlfriends!"

Taylor was hit by a mixture of feelings. He wanted a girlfriend, but he wanted her to be Madeline. Right? Oh, his mind was so tired!

"Look, Ike, I need time to think."

"Time? Tay, you don't seem to be understanding that they are waiting outside!"

Taylor scowled. He was getting mad. The make-up wouldn't come off, Ike had gotten him a girlfriend. What an awful day!

"Well, do something! I am not going!"

"Sheeesh, Ok!"


As soon as Zac got to the hotel room, he made his long distance phone call. Madeline answered.


"Hey Mad!" Zac greeted.

"Zac! Oh hi!"


"You want Rose, right? Hold on."

A second later, Rose said hello.

"Hi Rose!"

"ZAC!!!! Maddy said she had a cool surprise for me!" Rose giggled, "Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi!"



"I've missed you!"

"Oh, me too! You've only been gone for two days! I'm going to die! Three more weeks!" Rose moaned.

"I know!"

"Guess what!"


"Oh, is it good! Maddy would just kill me if I told you!" Rose revealed, giggling.


"Taylor!" Zac hollered.

"What?" came the reply shout from the bedroom.

"Boys!" Mrs Hanson scolded, " Don't shout! We are not the only people in the hotel."

Zac rolled his eyes and began his way to the boys' bedroom. Taylor was sprawled on the bed, listening to his disc man.

"So, I just got off the phone with Rose."

Taylor ignored him and began to hum along with whatever he was listening to.


Taylor flicked off his disc man and gave Zac a dirty look.

"Don't shout!" Taylor snapped.

"Sorry!" Zac exclaimed, crossing his eyes instead of rolling them.

"So, do you have some sort of problem?"

Ignoring Taylor's rude 'you better get lost soon' tone, Zac plundered on with what he was sure would improve Taylor's mood.

"So, I was talking to Rose," Zac paused to add a dreamy sigh, "and she mentioned that Mad has a HUGE crush on Matt Felding." Zac beamed at his news.

"Oh," Taylor said, staring straight ahead. His face looked bored, but his eyes looked trapped.

"Did you hear? Madeline-" Zac trailed off, watching Taylor intently. His face had changed when he said her name.


He changed again.


Again. Zac could enjoy this. Taylor looked scared and worried for about half an instant, then went back to looking bored.


Again it changed.

Shifting positions, Zac said the dreaded word, "Madeline."

"Madeline." Change. "Madeline." Change. "Madeline."

"Zac, shut the hell up!" Taylor snapped.

"Ok. I won't say Madeline again. You will never hear the word Madeline again out of my mouth. Nope. Never Madeline. Nope. I promise I won't ever repeat the word Madeline."

Zac's torturing apology was cut short when Taylor smacked him good and hard with a pillow. He was hit so hard that he saw little Madelines and Taylors bopping around his head. Swearing under his breath, Zac sent Taylor the meanest look he could manage.

"Mention that name one more time and I will make sure that no word ever passes through your lips again," Taylor hissed.

Zac stared at Taylor. Sure, he sounded mean, but he looked scared.

"Taylor Hanson, you are easier to read than a book!"

"What do you mean?" Taylor squeaked.

"Mad-e-line," Zac drawled, watching Taylor's face, " There, you see? Everytime I say her name, you get the same expression on your face that a trapped animal has."

Taylor fiddled with the fringe on the comforter and fought to get his bored 'I could care less' look back.

"Spill the beans," Zac prodded, well aware that he was crossing into forbidden territory.

"I don't have anything to spill," Taylor replied cooly.

"Sure you do."

Taylor looked around the room, trying to plot his escape. Zac was in the way; he couldn't use the dor. There was a window. They were 8 stories up. Would you die if you jumped out it? He needed out!

What was he thinking? This was Zac. His 'best friends, only bester' Zac. When was the last time he hadn't told Zac something? When was the last time Zac hadn't told him something? He couldn't remember.

"It's Madeline," Taylor muttered, "I-I think I like her."

Taylor's story came out in a big stuttery mess. It was the hardest secret he'd ever told. Zac, with a philosophical look on his face, listened.

"You have a problem," Zac admitted.

"No kidding," Taylor moaned, falling back onto the bed.


Taylor was unbelievable. Here Ike had gotten them both girlfriends, and Taylor doesn't even thank him! What was his problem? Really! Now not only would Taylor's girlfriend be crushed, but his wouldn't even want to talk to him!


Ike felt a light tap on his arm and turned to face two happy, smiling girls.

"I'm Sarah," the older girl introduced, as if she'd never seen him before, " and this is Lacey."

Lacey smiled and looked behind Issac, looking for Taylor, no doubt.

"Where's Taylor? she asked, frowning.

Issac plunged in.

"He, uh, didn't want to come."

Lacey's face fell and she muttered, "Oh." Sarah looked disappointed too.

"Well, Lace, let's go, I guess."

"No!" Issac cried, "I'm sorry! I didn't know my brother was such an ass!"

Lacey smiled, weakly.

"Yeah, Sar. It isn't Ike's fault. Don't not see him because of me. Taylor was set up. I probably wouldn't want to be set up. I'm sure he isn't an ass." Lacey seemed noble.

Sarah shifted her gaze from Ike to Lacey.

"Yeah, I guess. Where are you going to go, Lace?"

"Home. Listen, Ike, give Taylor this, OK?"

Lacey had scribbled something down on a peice of paper. She handed it to Ike. She waved her hand and took off down the street.

"So, Sarah, want to go get pizza?"

Sarah smiled and said,"Sure."

"Do you smoke?" Issac asked suddenly.

"No!" Sarah cried appalled, " Why would I do something that disgusting? It makes your teeth yellow,, makes your breath stink, makes you stink....."

Issac smiled smugly and listened to Sarah's monologue. An angel. She was a gift from God!

"And," she continued," If you do, I will leave you right here in the parking lot in a MMMBop, as you say. Don't care if you are the nicest guy in the world!"

Issac laughed and caught her hand.

"Hello, is Angela home?" Issac asked, twirling the telephone cord around his finger and gave Taylor the 'get lost' look.

Taylor, who had no intention of leaving the room anytime soon, stretched his legs and folded his arms behind his head. Yawning, he contemplated the fact that this this was one of the most comfortable hotel beds he'd ever layed on.

Giving Taylor a dirty look, Issac turned his attention back to the phone.

"Hello?" Angie crooned.

"Hi Angie. I-"

" Oh Ike! I've missed you!" she cried.

"Yeah. I-"

" Oh Ikey! The most wonderful thing happened! My mom, my daddy, and my little sister......"

Issac listenied impatiently to Angie's pointless chatter for 10 minutes. After making numerous attempts to cut in, Issac gave up. His break up phone call was turning less and less break upy as Angie went on. Gosh, she was giving him headache!

"Brent is here!" she exclaimed.

"Who the hell is Brent?"

"Don't be edgy at me!" she giggled.

Issac didn't know what was worse: Angie's bad girl act or her good girl act. They were both so annoying!

"He's, uh, my brother!" she said, with hestitaion, "Whom did you think he was? Is my darlin' Ikey jealous?"

'My darling Ikey?' He was going to lose his lunch! her sugar coated voice muttering those words was too much!

"I don't recall you mentioning that you had a brother!" he said through clenched teeth.

"Well, I do! I have to go, baby! Call again, won't you? Bye dear!"

The dial tone had never sounded so good.

"What was that long conversation all 'bout?" an amused Taylor asked.

"None of your business!" Issac snapped, turning to leave the room. He stopped and turned back to Taylor. "That girl that you were dumb, pig headed, selfish, and rude to stand up gave me this to give to you. Incase you were curious, her name is Lacey."

Taylor took the piece of paper and watched Ike leave the room.


He unfolded it and discovered a phone number. He stared at it blankly, debating whether or not to phone it. He had to move on. Madeline liked Matt What's-His-Name, not him. He picked up the phone.


Taylor jumped and dropped it.

"Scared ya!" Mac cried, clapping his hands.

"I helped!"Avery added.

" What do you want?" Taylor asked, trying not to sound annoyed.

" Can we watch TV in here? Ike stoled the control and turned the channel. Me and Mac was watching Care Bears, Tay!"

Taylor nodded and tossed the control at Avery. Mac and Avery joined Taylor on the bed.

"Where's Jessie?"

"Mommy took her to see the clown in the lobby," Avie stated.

"Didn't you guys want to see it?"

"Tay, you don't understand! This is Care Bears!! It is a new one! Duh!" Avery told him, rolling her eyes.

Taylor opened his mouth to say that Care Bears weren't made anymore, so it couldn't be new, but changed his mind. Instead, he did that trick where you turn your eyelids inside out.

"Ooooohhhh!! Grossss!"

"Cool!" Mac exclaimed," Show me how! Show me how!"

Taylor smiled and debated whether or not to phone Lacey with these two in the room.

"Mac, Ave, Im gonna phone a friend," he said, picking up the phone. It was cordless, so he took it the corner and dialed her number.

"Hello?" a young voice answered on the fourth ring.

"Hey. Is Lacey in?"

"Hi," the same voice replied.

"Oh, hi," Taylor stuttered, caught of guard, "This is, uh, Taylor Hanson."

"Taylor Hanson?" she exclaimed. Taylor noticed she had the cutest lisp. It sounded like "Taylor Hanthon."

"Ath in the thame Taylor Hanthon that thood me up?" she lisped.

"Well, yeah."

"Oh. What do you want?"

"I'm sorry, Lacey. I,uh, got cold feet. I'm really, really sorry."

The long silence that followed didn't help his nerves. He wanted that to be forgiven and forgotten. Sort of. He figured that if Lacey would go out with him, Madline would be behind him.

"I forgive you, Taylor. Sooo..."

"I like your lisp," Taylor babbled, "It's cute."

Lacey giggled and said, "Well, I hate it!"

There was another pause before Lacey added, "Middle of Nowhere and Snowed In were cool. I liked them."

"Are you a fan?"

"Me? No!! I'm not a fan!! Oh, that didn't sound right! Your music is cool, but my friend likes, uh, Ike and the music."



"Hi. Mrs Lemont, is Jake there?"

"No, Tay. He went to get Emily from the Harrisons'. You could probably catch him there."

"Thanks, bye."

Taylor hung up the phone and waited before phoning the Harrisons', praying Madeline didn't answer.


Taylor recognized the high pitched voice in an instant.

"Emily," he spat out, hating the way her name sounded.


"Yeah, that's good. Is Jake there?"

"Don't you want to talk to me?"

He pictured her in her ugly pink top and jeans, batting her eyelashes, and was almost sick. "Not really!"

"Fine!" her sing-song voice turned pouty, "Madeline! Your boyfriend's on the phone!"

Madeline? He didn't want to talk to her! Emily was such a little-

"Hello? Matt?"

"Uh no."


Taylor could picture Madeline too. She'd probably be wearing flares and her baggy red sweater. Her hair would be down, as usual.


"You aren't my boyfriend! I'm going to kill her! She has been here all day," Madeline groaned, " You? My boyfriend? You hang out with your boyfriend! You kiss your...."

The silence was too heavy. It was squishing him.

"You can hang out with your friends who are boys too," Taylor stated.

"I know. But you don't kiss them!"

Taylor sighed,"Is Jake there?"

"Hold on."

Taylor waited and twisted the cord around his finger. Never had phoning Jake been so hard!


"Hey Jake. How's life?"

"Well, my best friend's gone. Boring, lonely, and depressing."

"You have Shiela."

"It's not the same!" Jake whined, "How's life for you?"

"Aah, you know, performing and taping and being mobbed by girls."

"Cute girls?"

"Some. Most aren't as cute as Lacey though."

Taylor and Lacey had gone for a walk the day before. She looked the way you'd expect somebody named Lacey to look. Delicate. She was incredibly short and tiny for her 14 years. She was quiet and he suspected that she was incredibly shy.

"Who the hell is Lacey?" Jake asked, sounded interested.

"My girlfriend," Taylor boasted.

"YOUR GIRLFRIEND?" Jake yelled.

Taylor hoped Madeline had left the room.

"Taylor has a girlfriend?" Taylor heard Madeline scream in the background. If they weren't so awkward together, Maddy would have gone to another extension and demanded to know all about Lacey.

"NO!!!!!!!!!" he heard Emily cry.

"Wow, Taylor, way to go!"

Taylor gabbed to Jake for half of an hour before hanging up.

He felt incredibly homesick.
