Chapter 3: Off to England to Make Snowed In


Mr Hanson loaded the last suitcase into the van and climbed in. Taylor helped Avie in, and then climbed in himself. He had not forgotten Issac's assumption of "bitter and untrue lies."


Zac climbed in beside Taylor and stared longily out the window at Tulsa. He wanted to stay. He didn't want to go to England; the Christmas album could wait. He watched his mom climb in.

"We're off!"she announced, flicking on the radio.

Zac smiled slightly as "Pink" flooded his ears. Something good. He was homesick and he hadn't even left yet!!!!

"Zac, pass me that," Taylor ordered, pointing at a magazine that Zac was currently using as a foot rest for his muddy shoes. Zac bent over and picked it up.

"Chatelaine. You sure you want it?"Zac asked.

Taylor raised an eyebrow, "Isn't that a Canadain magazine?"

Zac shrugged and said, "Mom, is this a Canadian magazine?"

Mrs Hanson turned slightly, "Yeah, dear. I picked one up in Toronto. I must have left in the hotel, though. Haven't seen since."

"This it?"Taylor asked, waving the magazine around like a muddy flag.

"Oh!"she exclaimed, grabbing it from him.

Taylor leaned against the seat and yawned. Zac rested his head and yawned,too.


"Wake up!" Taylor yelled, punching Zac in the arm.

" Ouch!" Zac cried, jumping, "Why'd you hit me?"

" We are at the airport. If you sleep all the way to England, I will kill you or die of boredom, which ever comes first! Dad has us sitting together."

"Sit with Ike."

" He asked specifically not to sit with me! Imagine!" Zac could imagine.


Taylor pushed Zac out of the way and made a move for the window seat. Zac was faster.

"You can't sit there!" Taylor cried, giving Zac one last push.

"Why not? I like the window."

" It's my seat!"

"Hmmmmm...."Zac paused, examining the seat carefully,"I don't see Jordan Taylor Hanson written anywhere, so I guess I can sit here!"

Taylor was tempted to take a pen and write on the seat, but he didn't think it would go over well with his mom and dad, let alone all of the plane's staff. So, he stuck out his tongue and sat down in the aisle seat.


Taylor jumped like 10 feet and blinked in surprise.

"Gawd, Zac! What are you trying to do? Wake the whole flipping plane?"

"Oh, I don't know, Mr. If You Sleep All The Way To England, I'll Kill You. Well, guess what? You slept ALL THE WAY TO ENGLAND!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG THAT IS TO SIT AND STARE OUT THE WINDOW????"

Taylor smirked, "Did I?"

"Uh, yeah!"


Issac collapsed on the hotel bed, sighing. There were 2 double beds and a door that led to the another identical room. Taylor, Zac, Mackie, and he had all been assigned to the same room, but Mac wouldn;t join them until 7:00 England time, or noon, Tulsa time. Gawd, he hated time change. He rolled over to face Taylor, who was skimming a British magazine with their faces plastered on the cover.

"What are you reading?"

"An article."

" No, really? I had no idea!" Ike exclaimed, faking astonishment.

" On Jennifer Aniston."

"Obsession,"Zac mumbled from the bed.

" Hey, guys, I have a question," Ike announced.

"What?"Taylor asked absently.

Ike grabbed the magazine from Taylor's hand and plopped it on the floor.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing? I was reading that!"

"Shut up, Tay,"Zac ordered, " I want to hear Ike's dilemna."

Issac waited for Zac to scramble over.

"OK. Do you think Angie would go out with me?"

"Who's Angie?"Zac asked.

" You know that girl who moved in by Jake?" Taylor assisted.

"Uuuumm, oh yeah! Is she the pretty blond one?"

Issac, who was now all starry eyed, nodded.

"Shut your mouth. You're drooling on me!" Taylor wise cracked.

"Be serious, please, Taylor."

"Sorry. I don't know about your question, Ike. I mean you've only talked to hte girl once. Maybe you should slow down a bit."

Issac raised an eyebrow and then slowly nodded.

"Then, I bet she'd go out with you,"Zac chimed, coming back to the conversation with wisdom beyond his years.

"Boys,"Mrs Hanson called, opening the door,"It's 7:00. Putting Mac to bed. It would be a good time to work on your school work in our room with the girls."

Moaning, Ike got his bboks and went to tackle algebra. At 10:00, he, Taylor, and Zac went to bed. As hard as he tried, Ike couldn't sleep until 6am, or 10:00pm, Tulsa time, and was awoken 3 hours later to get working on recording Snowed In.

Edith's Hanson Eclipse
77th Street
