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Abuse in Sailor Moon Land!

I recently recieved this e-mail from a disparaged reader, and I thought I should share it...

Dear Elysiat,

You don't know me. But, you have spent you whole webpage criticising a show I am a part of. However, I am an unwilling part of this show. Daily, I and my family are forced to be a part of something both physically and mentally painful for us. Our other option, a common threat to us, is the loss of our child, and for I and my husband to be sold to a circus as freaks because of unusual abilities we possess. You see, we are the talking cats you may have seen on what you refer to as Sailor Moon. You may know us as Luna, Artemis, and Diana. Please, this is a serious matter, our story must be heard...

I have let these poor creatures take control of a piece of my page to do just that.

This is their story...

perfect family

It started out as a great opportunity. I hadn't worked in several months, and neither had Artemis. I had always dreamed of being a star, and they promised to include my whole family in the series. We even had human counterparts.
Our Human Counterparts

At First, Artemis, Diana, and I were like one of the Sailor Moon family. Our coworkers were easy to work with and it was a lot of fun. We were so greatful for the employment and the good friends.

Best of Friends

The first problem came when I accidentally crossed Usagi.It is an accident I will remember for the rest of my life. I fell asleep on her favortie sweater.

A Sailor Scolding

She started by scolding me. Then she went off on a total rant! It scared me,

Psycho Rant Luna is shocked

but I figured she was just touchy that day and let it go.

Well, after that, Usagi became extremely abusive. But what were we supposed to do? Where else would we go?

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