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*Hum in Atlanta*

*Hum in Atlanta*

Longwinded Review By : Laurie Beasley

My oh my oh my!!!!!!!!!!!
Today ruled SO much.... I dont even know where to begin. Humm. Ok.
Setlist first, then my long-winded review/saga of the day. :)

Suicide Machine
If You Are to Bloom
I Hate It Too
Ms. Lazarus
Comin Home
The Scientists
Songs of Farewell and Departure
* (Stars)
Iron Clad Lou

I'd Like Your Hair Long w/ the heroic doses guitarist playing matt's guitar parts and matt crowd surfing like a maniac :)


My friend Chris came to get me at 4 pm... we stopped by Kroger so I could buy some film. Then we drove to the Cotton Club. We parked in the lot, and wandered around to the back of the club. We walked in the back door, which was wide open. Looked inside, but didnt see anyone, so we left. We walked to get coffee (tea for me). Then we walked back in the ickycold rain to the Cotton Club yet again.
We got to the door of the Cotton Club and lo and behold it was very much unlocked. We walked on in and who was onstage but HUM! starting their soundcheck. We sat down and listened... oh so rad. No one got pissed or made us leave, so we stayed for the whole soundcheck. Afterwards, Bryan walked by, so we called out to him and he came over and I introduced myself. He remembered me since I interviewed him for my zine. We talked for about 20 minutes. I gave him my zine and a copy of Alice In Wonderland, cause he and I had been talking about it once, and he didnt have it. He put me and Chris on the guestlist, and then he had to go do an interview, so Chris and I left for a while.
We sold our tickets to this blond guy from Tennessee who was cracking me up like mad after the show. They FINALLY let us in, and I bought a rad HUM shirt (the wizard one... and they had a SMALL! i was so pleased). We staked out places right up in front of the stage, and I met ansigod (Brian) and spacemat (Mat), both of whom were niftykeen and very nice.

Heroic Doses werent bad... then Swervedriver, whom I enjoyed, although I was SOOO antsy for HUM. But then HUM came out and all the waiting was worth it. MMMMM they are so good. It was really surprising to hear Songs of Farewell and Departure... it was really great. The whole show just totally hmmm rocked my socks. HUM is so wonderful live. Last song, I'd Like Your Hair Long, the guitarist from Heroic Doses came out and played w/ HUM, cause this was Heroic Doses last nite w/ them. Matt went crazy diving into the crowd. Twas cool. He did it like 3 times... Bryan looked at me and laughed and rolled his eyes. hehe I met all of them after the show. Bryan gave me a book he wanted me to read, and talked with me and Chris a while longer. I took some pics during the show, and then pics of me with them afterwards. I plan to get them scanned soon. I got my Stars 7" signed.
That's my sort-of-review, sort-of run-down of the day. If anyone has any questions about anything. gosh darn it, e-mail me!
I DID NOT want to leave tonite.... that show was SOOOOOOO good. Sigh. Happy sighs and goofy grins.

I love you guys!
who is very happy floating on cloud 9 with happy hum soundtrack going in her head. mmmmmm

Email laurie:

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