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Erin's Philosophy

Erin's Philosophy

This is just something crazy I wrote up one night when I couldn't sleep. It's not that great but I wanna know what people think of it. SO, if ya could give me your thoughts on it I'd be very greatful:) Thanks:)

Life is like building blocks.
You choose where the blocks end.
You can keep building up and up
until you reach a star and claim it as your own.
Or, you can stop when your satisfied
and feel no need to proceed.
Everything little thing that inspires you
and influences you is a peice of
the building to your star.
Might it be music, poetry, philosophy...
All this helps you up, helps you grow.
Almost like a wise and experienced elder
showing you the way as you get older.
If you enjoy life and think positive
more things that life gives to you
will be inspiring, giving you another block.
If your negative, less things will inspire you
and you will progress slower to personal stardom.
Only when you reach that star will you shine
as bright, and live as long.

"What do you thing you are?
A superstar?
Well, right you are
We all shine on,
like the moon and the stars ans the sun"
-John Lennon, Instant Karma, 1970

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