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My Pillow

Pillow's on the floor
Of a dullish brown
And nothing more
Left to lie
With a slyish bore
Just dull pillows
And nothing more.
With their slumber
Hold the mind
Cushion the fears
And dreams they find
Tear the darkness
And create the bind
Every single one
Of a different kind.
They hold the memories
They hold them dear
And if you listen closely
You can even hear
Or remember when
You cried the tear
And with its soft touch
Chased away the fear.
And though it's a pillow
Of a dullish brown
It can bring a smile
And chase away a frown
Bring you up
When your feeling down.
It always invites you
to rest your head
And snuggle up
In your warm,soft bed.
Your pillow just may seem
If you have time to
Sit back and deem
To be a huge window
To your every dream.

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